The Daily Download – January 9, 2018

In honor of the return of new Arrow-verse shows next week and The CW’s Winter TCA this past Sunday where they clarified their scheduling plans, today The Daily Download is focusing on latest trailers for all of your favorite DC shows.

As for scheduling, in case you haven’t heard: Because Black Lightning will be airing in the Legends‘ normal 9pm, Tuesday night slot, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow won’t be back for a few weeks.  On February 12, it’ll take over Supergirl‘s 8pm, Monday night slot spot for 9 weeks (which is the rest of its season run). And then, on April 16, Supergirl returns for the remainder of its season (ending on June 18). As The CW announced, it’ll be 23 consecutive weeks of new Supergirl/Legends episodes, which is pretty cool.

Photo: Bettina Strauss/The CW

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What To Watch – Tuesday, January 9, 2018

We’re still a week away from the return of new episodes from the Arrow-verse so in the meantime, we’re soothing ourselves with a repeat viewing of the Crisis on Earth-X crossover event, which is really worth a second viewing.

Also tonight, the 24th Cycle of America’s Next Top Model premieres, featuring the return of Tyra Banks who has come to save her signature show.  Also premiering tonight, Undercover High, a thought piece on A&E that asks, “if given the chance, would you go back to HS  to see what kids are facing today?”


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TV Recaps: The Brave – Desperate Measures

The Brave
“Desperate Measures”
January 8, 2018

(Photo by: NBCUniversal)

The Brave returned tonight with an adrenaline filled episode that encapsulates all that is wonderful about this show. The acting, the action, the heart stopping moments, and the respect shown to our real world operators by depicting realistic missions with realistic complications.

BUT! Before we recap tonight’s episode of The Brave, lets review where we left off after episode 9 back in November.  Tasked to Tehran, Iran, Special Operation Group 7, led by Captain Adam Dalton (Mike Vogel) , was tasked with the sanctioned termination of Fahim Jarif, the man responsible for the beach-side truck attack in Turkey which we saw at the end of the Pilot episode.

After Jarif was spooked inside a tea shop where the hit was scheduled to take place, intrepid team sniper Sgt Jasmine “Jaz” Khan (Natacha Karam) missed an improvised shot at the target outside the  storefront.  The person Jarif was scheduled to meet, Aida Hareb (whose brother is Nasser Hareb, known big shot terrorist mastermind), ends up killing herself via poison pill just as Dalton corners her in a garage.  Always willing to call an audible to achieve his goal, Dalton decides to greenlight Jaz’s impersonation of the now dead Aida at a rescheduled meet with Jarif (who, though well acquainted with her brother, has never actually met Aida in person).  At the rescheduled meet with Jarif inside his suite at the Palace Hotel, Jaz improvises her plan and successfully kills her target.  Unfortunately, she was supposed to be well away from Jarif when he died under the original “let’s poison him” plan and so now, with the team’s help, she has to scramble to exfil without being apprehended by any of the numerous Quds forces keeping guard in the hotel.

In a “best of horrible options” type of deal, Jaz calmly walks towards a second story plate glass window which she plans to fling herself out of; the plan being that Dalton and Preach (Demetrius Grosse) would pick her up outside on the ground. Just as she begins to pick up speed, seconds from the window, she is flying tackled by one of Jarif’s guards. Cut to Jaz being hauled away, the team looking distraught, Dalton looking like he might vomit and Assistant Director Patricia Campbell (Anne Heche) angrily sweeping everything off of the nearest desk to her. Cut to black.

And now, episode 110 – “Desperate Measures,” or “How We Try To Save Jaz From an Iranian Execution.”  Read on for our detailed recap of Monday night’s episode, Desperate Measures, but beware of spoilers. Proceed at your unspoiled peril.

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The Daily Download – January 8, 2018

Today, we’re bringing you some of musical theater nerd love with an all too brief stinger for Jesus Christ Superstar: Live in Concert; a trailer for the new David Letterman project on Netflix; and most importantly, the trailers for The CW’s Black Lightning which, while not new, are relevant as the series premiere is next week!

Photo: The CW

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What To Watch – Monday, January 8, 2018

Some of our favorite Monday shows are still on hiatus but not our most favorite new show, The Brave. The Brave returns tonight to pick up right after the fall finale and Jaz’s abduction.    Also new, The Good Doctor.

Last advice for the day, Roll Tide!!

(Photo by: John Britt/NBC)

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First Look – Krypton

Today, First Look is focused on Syfy’s new show Krypton (set to premiere March 21). We got the first look at pics yesterday which in turn, we are bringing to you.  Because, that’s how we roll.    Gotta say, love the idea of the pre-Superman origin story.

(Photo by: SYFY)

Here is the official info on Krypton, “What if Superman never existed? Set two generations before the destruction of Superman’s home planet, “Krypton” follows Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe), the legendary Man of Steel’s grandfather, who is faced with a life and death conflict – save his home planet or let it be destroyed in order to restore the fate of his future grandson. With Krypton’s leadership in disarray and the House of El ostracized, Seg finds himself in a difficult position. He must redeem his family’s honor and protect the ones he loves while being challenged by familiar DC characters Brainiac (Blake Ritson) and Earthly time-traveler Adam Strange (Shaun Sipos).

“Krypton” is from Warner Horizon Scripted Television and is executive produced by David S. Goyer (“Man of Steel,” “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” “The Dark Knight Trilogy”) through his Phantom Four banner, alongside Cameron Welsh, who serves as showrunner. In addition to Cuffe, Sipos and Ritson, the show also stars Georgina Campbell (“Broadchurch”), Elliot Cowan (“Da Vinci’s Demons”), Ann Ogbomo (“World War Z”), Rasmus Hardiker (“Your Highness”), Wallis Day (“Will”), Aaron Pierre (“Tennison”) and Ian McElhinney (“Game of Thrones”). Based on the DC characters created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.

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What To Watch – Friday, January 5, 2018

TGIF, not just because the weekend is starting but because MacGyver is back and all new tonight!! And, we get to learn how Mac and Jack met!  Also on the docket, a new game show from Ricky Gervais (and hosted by Fred Savage) premieres on ABC.  Ricky and Fred are reason enough for me to watch!

(ABC/Lisa Rose)

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The Daily Download – January 4, 2018

Today, we’re looking at a few different items including a quick trailer for The Flash (returning in 2 weeks); Netflix’s method of confirming/announcing the Bright sequel; the new music video from Bruno Mars (feat. Cardi B), and the Slender Man trailer which dropped yesterday.  After the jump …

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What To Watch – Thursday, January 4, 2018

Other than the series premiere of the newest singing show, The Four: Battle for Stardom, there isn’t much doing on the tube tonight. So, I guess I’ll check it out.  I like Fergie and DJ Khaled enough to warrant at least a looksie.  Otherwise, check out the Costner classic, The Untouchables, stroll down Waco memory lane or watch a new S.W.A.T.

CR: Michael Becker / FOX. © 2018 FOX Broadcasting.

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The Daily Download – January 3, 2018

I don’t like combining news into the daily “What To Watch” but it happens over the course of a day, something gets published or released that I want you to experience with me. I am going to try to gather those items into a separate daily post which I am calling, for right now, “The Daily Download.”

Today’s offerings include 3 minutes worth of The Brave, which returns next Monday, and a trippy trailer for The Magicians (ahead of Season 3’s premiere next Wednesday).

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