TV Recap: A Million Little Things (Episode 209) – Time Stands Still

A Million Little Things
“Time Stands Still” (Episode 209)
November 21, 2019

Last week on A Million Little Things, Rome’s mother passed away and Rome was left to contemplate his relationship with his father. The battle lines between Team Katherine and Team Delilah became clearer and clearer. And Gary lost his job while finding out that Maggie applied for a fellowship at Oxford. Catch up on all of our recaps for A Million Little Things here.

It’s Thanksgiving week and while some of our friends in Boston have a lot to be thankful for, others may be wishing that they rewind to last year. Let’s see where DJ Nash leaves us with this Fall finale of A Million Little Things, full of culminations and cliffhangers. Read on … BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!!


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TV Recap: A Million Little Things (Episode 208) – Goodnight

A Million Little Things
“Goodnight” (Episode 208)
November 14, 2019

This week on A Million Little Things

Man, Delilah is the absolute worst. She and Katherine are like the angel and devil on Eddie’s shoulders. But, let’s back up and focus on Rome. I am not going to go through all of the details, because I’d rather focus on some key relationship moves today, before we head into next week’s Fall finale.

As a side note, I really wish this Fall finale thing wasn’t a thing. Remember when there was just a season with a season finale? Once they started down the Fall finale road, it created a need for cliffhangers and big episodes. Can’t we just acknowledge that the show will return after the holidays and not make such a big deal out of it? Okay, rant over. Now we can move on.  Catch up on all of our recaps for A Million Little Things here.

Now, on to our recap of the most recent episode of A Million Little Things … BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!!


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A Million Little Things (Episodes 206 and 207) – “Unleashed” and “Ten Years”

A Million Little Things
“Unleashed” (Episode 206)
“Ten Years” (Episode 207)
November 7, 2019

Since I’m pretty behind on A Million Little Things recaps, I’m going to give you a two-fer, as these two episodes played well together. We have a two-part saga involving Gary and Colin. We have a resolution in the Maggie-Eric drama, and Gary and Maggie seem to arrive at a new place in their relationship. Also, Rome comes clean to Gina about PJ’s potential paternity and Katherine bonds with Charlie. Secrets come out and stability is threatened all around.  Catch up on all of our recaps for A Million Little Things here.

Now, on to a recap of the two most recent episodes of A Million Little Things … BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!!


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TV Recap: A Million Little Things (Episode 205) – “Austin”

A Million Little Things
“Austin” (Episode 205)
October 24, 2019

A quick synopsis of tonight’s A Million Little Things, Delilah wants a family photo but Danny is upset that this new family arrangement does not include his father. Rome and Regina plan a celebration for Rome’s parents’ 50th wedding anniversary, Eddie and Katherine look to start over, and Gary struggles with his relationship with Maggie. Catch up on all of our recaps for A Million Little Things here.

Now, on to tonight’s all new episode of A Million Little Things … BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!!


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TV Recap: A Million Little Things (Episode 204) – “The Perfect Storm”

A Million Little Things
“The Perfect Storm” (Episode 204)
October 17, 2019

Whoa!  Tonight new episode of A Million Little Things, “The Perfect Storm,” answered some questions and raised new ones! Catch up on all of our recaps for A Million Little Things here.

Now, on to tonight’s all new episode of A Million Little ThingsBEWARE OF SPOILERS!!!


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TV Recap: NCIS (Episode 1702) – What We Do For Family …

“Into the Light” (Episode 1702)
October 1, 2019

Tonight’s episode of NCIS completes the season premiere arc.  NCIS has always loved its two-parters. Last week, we came “Out of the Darkness” and now we are coming “Into the Light.” More specifically, Ziva came out of the darkness and into the light. Speaking of our favorite Israeli, the Ziva love letter, begun last week, continues with tonight’s episode.  Catch up on the action from last week with our recap, which you can find here.

All caught up? Great! Now, let’s dive into tonight’s episode of NCISBEWARE OF SPOILERS!!!

Photo: Michael Yarish/CBS

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TV Recap: A Million Little Things (Episodes 202 and 203) – Catching Up …

A Million Little Things
“Grand Canyon” (Episode 202)
“Mixed Signals” (Episode 203)
October 10, 2019

All right A Million Little Things fans, it’s been a bit of a crazy month so here’s a double post to help catch up! First, catch up on last week’s season premiere with our recap here.

Now, let’s see what the crew from Boston has been up to in Episodes 2 and 3 of Season 2 … BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!!


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TV Recap: Almost Family (Episode 101) – Family Is What You Make It …

Almost Family
“Pilot” (Episode 101)
October 2, 2019

If you watched the promos for the new Jason Katims show, Almost Family, you already know the premise. If you didn’t watch the promos, well here is the skinny: A famous fertility doctor, Leon Bechley, spent most of his storied career using his own sperm to impregnate women. When this story breaks, only child, Julia Bechley, has to deal with the fallout and the realization that she may have many, MANY siblings out in the world.

Without any more preamble, read on for our recap of the pilot episode of Almost Family … BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!!

CR: Elisabeth Caren/FOX.

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TV Recap: A Million Little Things (Episode 201) – Coming Home

A Million Little Things
“Coming Home” (Episode 201)
September 26, 2019

After smashing into our television screens and our hearts last year, A Million Little Things returns tonight with Season 2.  If you need a refresher on the show’s Freshman Season, check out our catch-up here.

Without further ado, read on for our deep dive recap of A Million Little Things‘ Season 2 premiere … BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!!


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TV Recap: NCIS (Episode 1701) – There’s No Time For Breathing …

“Out of the Darkness” (Episode 1701)
September 24, 2019

Welcome to Season 17 of NCIS.  Us long time fans could not have been more excited with the Season 16 cliffhanger … #ZivaLives.  The entirety of tonight’s season premiere was a love letter to Ziva fans, complete with flashbacks, Ziva-isms and bad-assery galore!

So, let’s buy the next round, hop on a city bus, try to avoid getting bedbugs, and dig into this meaty episode of NCIS … BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!!

Photo: Erik Voake/CBS

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