The Alienist
“Hildebrandt’s Starling”
February 19, 2018
Lots of great dialogue exchanges tonight, not only between Kreizler and Miss Howard, but also with Roosevelt and Kreizler, and between Miss Howard and Moore punctuated a night of real progress in our case to find the Silver Smile Killer and dig deeper into who our favorite Alienist really is and what makes him tick. More on our thoughts after the recap at the bottom of this post.
Character development for the win!!
Without further delay, our deep dive recap of The Alienist‘s “Hildebrandt’s Starling” (spoilers – be warned) … after the jump!
Our long national nightmare of the Winter Olympics is over and our regular programming can now continue. Like the first signs of Spring, all of TV is returning to new episodes this week. The Alienist, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and the series premiere of Good Girls are our Top Picks To Watch Tonight with The Alienist being the most important of all of them!
Only one more week of The Winter Olympics and then all of the rest of TV can come out of hiding with new episodes of their shows. Its getting exhausting having nothing new to watch! What is new? The Alienist, one of our current obsessions! Make sure you are live tweeting with us and reading our deep dive recaps!
Also on tonight, the 1980 classic, Airplane! – my undisputed choice for funniest movie ever made.
The Alienist “These Bloody Thoughts”
February 12, 2018
This week, the onion was pulled back further on Laszlo and his backstory which makes the episode worth it all by itself, but, we also learned some important details on the Killer and his “how” … even if we’re not any closer to the all important, “why?!?”
Let’s not waste time unnecessarily though, the deep diver recap (beware: Spoilers!) follows … after the jump!
This week on The Alienist, we learned some interesting habits or traits of the killer but even more importantly, we learn some interesting back story on our eponymous character and see deeper aspects of every one our core three Team Alienist Members.
The mystery deepens and we hope you are sticking along for the ride.
Our deep dive recap (beware of spoilers) of “Silver Smile” … after the jump!
Monday nights aren’t the same with new The Brave on but we must, we will, soldier on. We still have a new episode of our current fave psychological thriller, The Alienist (make sure you have read our latest deep dive recap of last week’s episode before you watch tonight), as well as new episodes of Supergirl, Scorpion and The Good Doctor. Out of the norm, we are looking at a documentary on Silk Road (of Dark Web fame). All in all, a fun filled night of TV.
I’d be remiss not to mention the fact that the Winter Olympics begin on Thursday and so expect lots of coverage on that from us (we love the Olympics) and in fact, NBC is doing a preview hour of the Americans to watch at the games, but, as we have other things we’d rather watch tonight at 10, it didn’t make our recommend list.
The Alienist
“A Fruitful Partnership”
January 29, 2018
Change. That’s what The Alienist is about. It crystallized for me tonight. Seeing this team of outsiders and misfits assemble made me realize that change is the common thread they represent. I go into this below in my thoughts section and don’t want to discuss here before you have read about the episode but as you watch and as you read below, think about how change, in the ways it can happen, is the thing uniting what I am going to call for now, Team Alienist. Until I think of something more clever.
Early in this episode, I was ready to write of Moore as being too one note and annoying to like, to the point where it was almost taking me away from enjoying the show, but by the end, my thoughts have changed and I think John Moore may have the most important journey out of any character here. We’ll see. Anyway …
Make sure you have read our deep dive recap of last week before jumping into this week’s installment in the story. Our deep dive recap of The Alienist‘s episode, “A Fruitful Partnership” (lots of spoilers ahead — you have been warned) … after the jump!
All eyes are on The Brave tonight as it hits its Season 1 finale in dramatic style (read our recap from last week’s episode, here). We live tweet this show every week and its a blast, you should follow us on Twitter @AdminPopCultRev. Tonight, at 11pm (ET), we’ll be joining the folks at So Many Shows to discuss the episode along with the show’s creator Dean Georgaris and several of the show’s stars!! Join us and listen in live!
Also on, a new episode of The Alienist (read our recap of Last Week’s series premiere here).
The Alienist
“The Boy on the Bridge”
January 22, 2018
The Alienist Season One Gallery
What a fun (and not a little weird) show The Alienist is. There is something particularly satisfying about a well done period piece TV show that enhances the “escapism” factor that so many turn to TV for; an hour of good drama to forget about your troubles and throw yourself into someone else’s plot. Add in the anachronistic time period and your feeling of being transported away is doubled, at a minimum.
The Alienist, based on the book of the same name by Caleb Carr, and starring Luke Evans (as John Moore), Dakota Fanning (as Sara Howard), and Daniel Brühl (as the eponymous “Alienist” whose real name is Dr. Laszlo Kreizler), does the time period transformation flawlessly and its very easy to feel like you are in 1896 NYC. As a general matter, TNT does drama and story telling well, with popular hits such as The Librarians, Last Ship and Major Crimes as just some of their more recent examples, and The Alienist is at home here with amazing attention to detail, engrossing story and interesting central characters that you are left wanting to know more about.
Enough preamble, prepare your best old-timey phrases, tighten up your corset and let’s hop into the way back machine. Spoilers Ahead – you’ve been warned. The recap of The Alienist pilot episode, “The Boy on the Bridge” … after the jump!
Tonight, The Brave begins its two part season finale (renew this show NBC!!). Elsewhere, plenty of new TV with the series premieres of The Alienist and The Resident. Also, new Supergirl, Scorpion and The Good Doctor. So much to watch!!!