The Magicians, The Men Who Built America, Life Sentence & Riverdale, these are a few of our favorite things. But really, its all about The Magicians. Over and Over Again!

Continue reading “What To Watch – Wednesday, March 14, 2018”
Your New Voice In Our Pop Culture Dominated World.
The Magicians, The Men Who Built America, Life Sentence & Riverdale, these are a few of our favorite things. But really, its all about The Magicians. Over and Over Again!
Continue reading “What To Watch – Wednesday, March 14, 2018”
Its Freaky Friday done The Flash style tonight! And on Black Lightning, lots of aftermath from the bloody episode last week (lord, I’m behind on my recaps)!
At 10pm, we have the season finale of Bellevue which is bat shit crazy but I love it just the same. Also at 10, the series premieres of For the People (not sold) and Rise, Josh Radnor’s new show from Jason Katims which is AMAZING. This is our new go to show once Bellevue is done.
The Alienist, Good Girls, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, these are things to make Monday a little better. Plus, because we have run out of ideas, you can now watch BOTH The Voice and American Idol … in 2018. At the same time. What is even happening in this world?!?
The Magicians, a show that has made a name for itself by producing strong, emotionally charged stories delivered in unpredictable and unconventional ways sets a new bar for itself tonight with multiple in show performances of songs featuring the entire cast.
Some shows would do this and it comes off gimmicky. When The Magicians does something like this, it feels organic and you think, “yes, of course, that makes sense to me” because that is just how well done this show is created, written, and acted.
Enjoy our deep dive recap and review … after the jump!!
Continue reading “TV Recap: The Magicians – Friends and Enemies …”
Nintendo Direct
March 8, 2018
Yesterday, Yoshiaki Koizumi, Nintendo’s Deputy General Manager of the Entertainment Planning & Development division, dropped a massive Nintendo Direct on the Nintendo chock full of important news and updates for 3DS but mostly for the Switch. Below are our summaries of all of the headlines with video accompanying the more important items … Enjoy!
The entire video can be seen here though we have summarized all of it for you below so you don’t need to sit through the 34 minutes.
Continue reading “Video Game News: Nintendo Direct News Dump”
I suggest you tape shows tonight and go watch A Wrinkle of Time in the theaters but what to tape? We’ve got you covered. New MacGyver, Dynasty and MasterChef Junior are all fun choices in the 8pm hour though Mac is our Man! At 9pm, we’re showing Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. the 100th episode love but also, we’re adding in Live PD which social media tells us is fantastic. Its also THEIR 100th episode so, weird! At 10pm, ELeague crowns a champion!!
Black Lightning
“Three Sevens: The Book of Thunder”
February 27, 2018
Another solid episode that keeps the momentum moving. Big developments at the end of the episode will set up the remainder of the season’s arc which I am excited about.
This is already super late so without further delay, our deep dive recap of “Three Sevens: The Book of Thunder” (beware spoilers!!) … after the jump!!
Continue reading “TV Recap: Black Lightning – Thunder and Lightning”
Brand new Gotham and Arrow lead the night along with new Supernatural and the series premiere of a new trucking show on History, Truck Night in America.
Lots of options tonight, unfortunately most of them are bunched up at 9pm. Riverdale returns with lots of new craziness tonight at 8pm. At 9pm, our Top Pick To Watch is The Magicians – its the music episode but its so much more than that! Also at 9pm, 2 new series, Life Sentence on The CW (which we may hopefully be covering here at PCR) and The Men Who Built America over on History, a must for history buffs! At 10pm,
Typical Tuesday night fare with The Flash, Black Lightning, Bellevue and Drunk History, rounding out our favorite picks.
Also, if you’re bored, or if you just want to be entertained, check out Pop Culture Mike’s appearance on SMS On Air’s TV Talk — a one hour internet radio show where we chat about all things TV. Its hi-jinks and shenanigans! TV Talks begins at 8pm (ET). To listen, just click the clicky here: