What To Watch – Friday, April 6, 2018

Fridays, man. Tough days.  Yes, MacGyver is great and with Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., that fills a night a basically. But, if those aren’t your thing, unless you’re really into Live PD, there aren’t a lot of choices tonight.  Blech.

MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. – “Inside Voices” – Coulson is forced to team up with surprising allies to save the world, while the S.H.I.E.L.D. team attempts to track down and rescue him, on “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” FRIDAY, APRIL 6 (9:01-10:01 p.m. EDT), on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Byron Cohen)
DOVE CAMERON Continue reading “What To Watch – Friday, April 6, 2018”

TV Recaps: The Magicians – Of Sacrifices and Betrayals …

The Magicians
“Will You Play With Me?”
April 4, 2018

Okay kids, tonight’s the night.  The Season 3 finale of The Magicians and boy did we have an episode.  Betrayals? Check. Sacrifices? Check.  Tacos? Check. Tick throwing shade? Check. Amazing Music Montages? Check. Great Easter Eggs? Check.  Crisp dialogue, twists you can’t predict and things just make you go, the fuck is happening? Check.

Sera Gamble and John McNamara, who wrote tonight’s show (they’re also the creators, 2 of the EPs and Sera is the show runner), and Chris Fisher who directed, closed out this Season in amazing style while setting up a lot of great questions for Season 4.  Without another wasted moment, jump into our recap and review of The Magicians‘ season finale, “Will You Play With Me?” … after the jump!

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What To Watch – Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Magicians season finale is tonight.  I can’t even really deal with that as I’m writing my recap right now for it ahead of tonight and I don’t want it to be over.  These 13 hours, as a cohesive unit, have been the most enjoyable season of television I have experienced maybe ever.  Not looking forward to waiting a year until Season 4.  Also on, Krypton,The Americans,  and Life Sentence.  But really, The Magicians, that’s all that’s important tonight.

THE MAGICIANS — “Will You Play With Me?” Episode 313 — Pictured: (l-r) Trevor Einhorn as Josh Hoberman, Summer Bishil as Margo Hanson, Jason Ralph as Quentin Coldwater — (Photo by: Eric Milner/Syfy)

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What To Watch – Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Flash is still in repeats but NEVER FEAR! You have new Shadowhunters, Black Lightning, Rise and, AND the season 2 premiere of LEGION!!!!! And, its a super-sized episode!! Rejoice!

FX Networks

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What To Watch – Monday, April 2, 2018

Even with The Alienist being done for the season, we have good choices to watch tonight, including DC’s Legends of Tomorrow at 8pm on The CW, The Terror on AMC at 9p, Good Girls on NBC at 10p, and also at 10p, the series premiere of The Crossing, a new small town sci-fi show on ABC.

THE CROSSING – “Pilot” – After 47 refugees mysteriously wash up in a small fishing town, local sheriff Jude Ellis teams with DHS agent Emma Ren to assess their unusual claim … that they’re fleeing a war 180 years in the future. The mystery deepens when Jude realizes that one of the new arrivals possesses heightened abilities and is a threat to his town, setting the two of them on a collision course. As the rest of the refugees acclimate to their unfamiliar surroundings, Emma learns that one has information that calls into question everything she thought she knew about our present time. The series premiere of “The Crossing” airs MONDAY, APRIL 2 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Eike Schroter)

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What To Watch – Friday, March 30, 2018

Pop Culture Review is in our Nation’s Capitol this weekend for Awesome Con (covering the event for SoManyShows.com as well as PCR) which means we are giving you an abbreviated What To Watch Tonight!

MacGyver, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and then an interesting music recording documentary, Soundbreaking, on PBS at 10pm.  Enjoy your weekend, friends and check out our Awesome Con.

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TV Recaps: The Magicians – Long Live the King …

The Magicians
“The Fillorian Candidate”
March 28, 2018

Its Fillory’s Spring Awakening, democracy-style!! But, the real star of tonight’s episode is the continued growth of Julia’s character as she embraces her ever increasing Godhood.  Elsewhere, Kady Meets 23TL Penny and Alice and Quentin continue being Alice and Quentin.  Never have two people each been the other’s Fuck, Marry AND Kill!  *sigh*

Don’t waste a second more, jump into our deep dive recap and review of “The Fillorian Candidate” (Spoilers! Last Warning) … after the jump!

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What To Watch – Thursday, March 29, 2018

Major League Baseball begins its season today but we’re not here to talk about that (Go Mets!).

No, today we’re looking at the series premiere of Freeform’s newest show, Siren. Mermaids? I’m in! Siren has a 2 hour premiere tonight but if that’s not your thing (mermaids should definitely be your thing), there is long awaited Scooby Doo crossover episode on tonight’s Supernatural, all new Gotham, Arrow and S.W.A.T. Also, Impractical Jokers and those guys are hysterical. Lots of choices to fill your TV viewing night!


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What To Watch – Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Its Magic Wednesdays which means that The Magicians is our Top Pick to Watch Tonight but we’re also excited to watch new Krypton and the season premiere of The Americans.  Also, Riverdale, Life Sentence and the special Andrew Lloyd Webber Tribute to a Superstar. Lots of good choices tonight!!

THE MAGICIANS — “The Fillorian Candidate” Episode 312 — Pictured: (l-r) Brittany Curran as Fen, Hale Appleman as Eliot Waugh, Summer Bishil as Margo Hanson — (Photo by: Eike Schroter/Syfy)

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TV Recaps: The Magicians – The Return of Mothra …

The Magicians
March 21, 2018

This week, we take a bit of a breather after a series of emotional and impactful episodes that have really moved the plot along.  Not that tonight doesn’t have some emotional resonance, but we’re not terribly closer to solving the problem of the Fairy Realm Key after tonight’s episode.  You’ll notice this episode is very self-contained in a few familiar spots – its because tonight’s ep is a classic “Bottle Episode”; a trick of producers to save cash on new sets and props and dressing which is necessary in order to pay for larger expenditures during the rest of the season (looking at you music licensing rights for “All About Josh“). The upside of these types of episodes is that you tend to get great dialogue and character beats – very much like good stage plays because its basically characters on screen not moving around much.  Tonight doesn’t disappoint.

Let’s jump right in to Julia and Josh’s excellent adventure to another timeline, Timeline twenty-Three. Our deep Dive Recap and review (spoilers ahead!!) … after the jump!

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