Typical Tuesday night fare with The Flash, Black Lightning, Bellevue and Drunk History, rounding out our favorite picks.
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8pm Hour:

1st Choice: The Flash. “When a nuclear bomb detonates in downtown Central City, Barry, Jesse Quick and Jay Garrick slow down time by entering Flashtime. As everyone in the city is frozen, the three speedsters push themselves to the breaking point to save the city and everyone in it.” The CW
2nd Choice: NCIS. “Gibbs and the team work to clear the name of retired Marine Sergeant John Ross when cyanide is found in one of the hundreds of care packages he sends to active-duty Marines.” CBS
3rd Choice: The Voice. The Blind Auditions continue, part 4! NBC
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: Black Lightning. “Black Lightning’s pursuit for Tobias continues. Anissa continues to find herself in the new normal.” The CW
2nd Choice: This Is Us. “Randall and Beth welcome visitors to their home.” NBC
3rd Choice: The Golden State Killer: It’s Not Over. “Investigator Paul Holes continues to examine the Golden State Killer’s murderous attacks in Santa Barbara. Meanwhile, armed with new theories, the citizen sleuths find a lead good enough to submit to the FBI.” ID
10pm Hour:
1st Choice: Bellevue. “Annie and the detectives revisit a previous suspect, but the Jesse case breaks wide open and Annie is in a fight for her life.” WGN America
2nd Choice: Drunk History. Drunk Mystery! “Agatha Christie’s disappearance is investigated, along with the anonymous letter writer who terrorized the town of Circleville; and the mastermind behind America’s only unsolved airplane hijacking.” Comedy Central
3rd Choice: Undercover High. “As the end of the school year approaches, students are suspicious of who the participants are, while social media fights circulate throughout the school.” A&E
This is Us goes way beyond Randall welcoming visitors into his home . It goes deep into kids not being kids but taking the adult role in a single parent home at a very young age. A very profound episode seen thru the eyes of a child dealing with loyalty to her mom meanwhile in search of a family in the foster care system. Tears right up there with Jack’s death.