The Magicians, The Men Who Built America, Life Sentence & Riverdale, these are a few of our favorite things. But really, its all about The Magicians. Over and Over Again!

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Your New Voice In Our Pop Culture Dominated World.
The Magicians, The Men Who Built America, Life Sentence & Riverdale, these are a few of our favorite things. But really, its all about The Magicians. Over and Over Again!
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The Magicians, a show that has made a name for itself by producing strong, emotionally charged stories delivered in unpredictable and unconventional ways sets a new bar for itself tonight with multiple in show performances of songs featuring the entire cast.
Some shows would do this and it comes off gimmicky. When The Magicians does something like this, it feels organic and you think, “yes, of course, that makes sense to me” because that is just how well done this show is created, written, and acted.
Enjoy our deep dive recap and review … after the jump!!
Continue reading “TV Recap: The Magicians – Friends and Enemies …”
Lots of options tonight, unfortunately most of them are bunched up at 9pm. Riverdale returns with lots of new craziness tonight at 8pm. At 9pm, our Top Pick To Watch is The Magicians – its the music episode but its so much more than that! Also at 9pm, 2 new series, Life Sentence on The CW (which we may hopefully be covering here at PCR) and The Men Who Built America over on History, a must for history buffs! At 10pm,
The Magicians, never underestimate how they are going to deliver an episode to you or how they are going to make you feel all the goddamn feelings all the time. All the while feeding you Grade A+ television in ways and set ups you’ve never thought about before, but once you’ve seen it, you think, how can I ever live without with this show?!?
If “A Life in the Day” is the most emotionally moving thing you will see this year, “Six Short Stories About Magic” is hands down, the boldest hour of storytelling you will see this year. Its episodes like tonight, why its a no-brainer that Syfy renewed the show for a Season 4 earlier this week.
Our deep dive recap and review (spoilers, so many spoilers) begins … after the jump!
Continue reading “TV Recap: The Magicians – It Is Written …”
Earlier today, Syfy announced that The Magicians has been renewed for a Season 4, set to air in 2019. The show, which is based on a series of best selling novels by Lev Grossman, is currently in the middle of its third season, and, at least according to us here at Pop Culture Review, is busy breaking new ground in TV storytelling and destroying the notion that a show about magic can’t also be serious, well produced drama.
We typically don’t cover too much TV news here at PCR but as The Magicians is one of the shows we cover week to week with our deep dive recaps, it was newsworthy enough to us.
The Magicians airs Wednesday nights at 9pm(ET) and stars Jason Ralph, Stella Maeve, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Hale Appleman, Arjun Gupta, Summer Bishil, Rick Worthy, Jade Tailor, Brittany Curran and Trevor Einhorn. The series was adapted for TV by John McNamara and Sera Gamble and is executive produced by McNamara, Gamble, Chris Fisher and Groundswell Productions’ Michael London and Janice Williams.
Not a lot going on tonight in volume but in quality, tonight’s The Magicians is the place to be. There is a 9 minute sequence in tonight’s episode that I guarantee you, you have never seen on TV on before and its amazing. This show continues to be bold and original in its storytelling which is first rate on all levels from writing to direction to superb acting. A++
The Magicians
“Poached Eggs”
February 21, 2018
Intense Development in Fillory this week as the season long Chess Match between Margo and Faerie Queen come to a head. On Earth, Quentin, Poppy and Penny try to put the “Find the Next Key In the Underworld” Plan into effect while Alice and Julia deal with the fall out of their magical transplant last week.
Our deep dive recap of The Magicians‘ episode, “Poached Eggs” begins … after the jump!
Magic Wednesday, Friends. Don’t let the Olympics-induced repeats get you down! Rise up, watch the all new The Magicians!! Its another 2 hanky affair tonight so be prepared!!
Continue reading “What To Watch – Wednesday, February 21, 2018”
The Magicians
“Do You Like Teeth?”
February 14, 2018
As a Valentine’s Day episode, this was horrible but as a normal installment of The Magicians, its everything you’re looking for from this show which continues to be on fire this season! Specifically, Felicia Day joins the show tonight and she’s amazing as the book fan favorite, Poppy. But like the Depression Monster, she’s also kind of a dick. Or at least a person of “questionable ethics” as she freely admits early in the episode.
Read on for our (Spoiler Warning!!) deep dive recap of The Magicians‘ “Do You Like Teeth?” … after the jump!
Continue reading “TV Recap: The Magicians – Questionable Ethics”
Its Valentine’s Day! Yeah for love. But more importantly, its Magic Wednesday which means new The Magicians (featuring the debut of Felicia Day as Poppy)!! Also, more Winter Olympics … and that about it!!
Continue reading “What To Watch – Wednesday, February 14, 2018”