Tonight’s big ticket item is the much anticipated Summer Series, Dietland on AMC. PCR will be covering this show so I hope you’re as excited for this new Joy Nash and Julianna Margulies series, as we are.

Your New Voice In Our Pop Culture Dominated World.
Tonight’s big ticket item is the much anticipated Summer Series, Dietland on AMC. PCR will be covering this show so I hope you’re as excited for this new Joy Nash and Julianna Margulies series, as we are.
On this Memorial Day, the day on which those who died in active military service are remembered, please take a moment to remember all those who have served and especially those who gave all in their service. And never forget, Freedom isn’t free.
Tonight, we’ve got a special Memorial Day premiere of Season 2 of the popular History Channel military drama, SIX. Also, new Supergirl and back to back episodes (and the final episodes) of the AMC Visionaries Series, James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction.
Mondays are reliably one of the best nights for quality TV all night. We start with new Supergirl, then new The Terror (in a super-sized episode) and end with James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction at 10p. We’re keeping The Crossing in the recommend list even though its been cancelled because, well there is nothing else going on just then. What are you watching tonight?
Mondays are reliably one of the best nights for quality TV all night. We start with new Supergirl, then new The Terror and end with both James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction AND The Crossing both at 10p. An embarrassment of riches!
AMC Visionaries‘ newest anthology: James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction premieres tonight and I will definitely be giving that a look because, James Cameron is kind of “The Man” for Sci-Fi. Beyond that, we’re looking at Supergirl, The Terror, The Crossing and Good Girls!!
Mondays are back to back to back awesome with TV from Supergirl to 8 to The Terror at 9 and then great choices of The Crossing, Good Girls and if its your thing, a Carpool Karaoke special on CBS, all at 10!! What will you be watching?
Supergirl returns to your TV tonight while Scorpion takes its season final bow. In between we’re watching The Terror, The Crossing and Good Girls!! Mondays, more choices than you know what to do with …
We love Monday nights these days at Pop Culture Review! We have DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, The Terror, The Crossing (they had me at Flash Forward in tonight’s episode description) and Good Girls. Also on, Scorpion but that pales in comparison to the other offerings at 10p.
Even with The Alienist being done for the season, we have good choices to watch tonight, including DC’s Legends of Tomorrow at 8pm on The CW, The Terror on AMC at 9p, Good Girls on NBC at 10p, and also at 10p, the series premiere of The Crossing, a new small town sci-fi show on ABC.