Supergirl returns to your TV tonight while Scorpion takes its season final bow. In between we’re watching The Terror, The Crossing and Good Girls!! Mondays, more choices than you know what to do with …

Your New Voice In Our Pop Culture Dominated World.
Supergirl returns to your TV tonight while Scorpion takes its season final bow. In between we’re watching The Terror, The Crossing and Good Girls!! Mondays, more choices than you know what to do with …
Monday nights aren’t the same with new The Brave on but we must, we will, soldier on. We still have a new episode of our current fave psychological thriller, The Alienist (make sure you have read our latest deep dive recap of last week’s episode before you watch tonight), as well as new episodes of Supergirl, Scorpion and The Good Doctor. Out of the norm, we are looking at a documentary on Silk Road (of Dark Web fame). All in all, a fun filled night of TV.
I’d be remiss not to mention the fact that the Winter Olympics begin on Thursday and so expect lots of coverage on that from us (we love the Olympics) and in fact, NBC is doing a preview hour of the Americans to watch at the games, but, as we have other things we’d rather watch tonight at 10, it didn’t make our recommend list.
All eyes are on The Brave tonight as it hits its Season 1 finale in dramatic style (read our recap from last week’s episode, here). We live tweet this show every week and its a blast, you should follow us on Twitter @AdminPopCultRev. Tonight, at 11pm (ET), we’ll be joining the folks at So Many Shows to discuss the episode along with the show’s creator Dean Georgaris and several of the show’s stars!! Join us and listen in live!
Also on, a new episode of The Alienist (read our recap of Last Week’s series premiere here).
Tonight, The Brave begins its two part season finale (renew this show NBC!!). Elsewhere, plenty of new TV with the series premieres of The Alienist and The Resident. Also, new Supergirl, Scorpion and The Good Doctor. So much to watch!!!
The Brave returns with another new episode tonight; prepare for some fallout from last week’s daring rescue of Jaz. Elsewhere, the epic Season 1 finale of The Gifted (2 hours worth!)’ the return of Supergirl from hiatus and new episodes of The Good Doctor and Scorpion.
In honor of the return of new Arrow-verse shows next week and The CW’s Winter TCA this past Sunday where they clarified their scheduling plans, today The Daily Download is focusing on latest trailers for all of your favorite DC shows.
As for scheduling, in case you haven’t heard: Because Black Lightning will be airing in the Legends‘ normal 9pm, Tuesday night slot, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow won’t be back for a few weeks. On February 12, it’ll take over Supergirl‘s 8pm, Monday night slot spot for 9 weeks (which is the rest of its season run). And then, on April 16, Supergirl returns for the remainder of its season (ending on June 18). As The CW announced, it’ll be 23 consecutive weeks of new Supergirl/Legends episodes, which is pretty cool.
Some of our favorite Monday shows are still on hiatus but not our most favorite new show, The Brave. The Brave returns tonight to pick up right after the fall finale and Jaz’s abduction. Also new, The Good Doctor.
Last advice for the day, Roll Tide!!
As the Holidays draw near and new episodes of TV shows become scarce, I’d like to take a moment to step back and see where we stand so far in this 2017-18 television season.
Last week, I took to Twitter to conduct a series of super scientific tests, to gauge the opinions of the masses on what they are enjoying most so far this season.
The question posed for this post: In a crowded field of strong women on TV right now, who do you pick for your team, who has got your six? Read on for the results …
Continue reading ““Best Of” List – Best Kick Ass Female Warrior on TV”
Tonight on Supergirl, World Killer, Reign, makes her official, fully costumed, debut and she looks kind of badass. Also, we have new The Gifted, new The Good Doctor and new Robert Kirkman’s Secret History of Comic Books. So, lots of fun stuff to watch on Monday nights! Enjoy the new while you can as mid-season finales begin this week!
If you’re watching anything other The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow tonight, you’re doing TV wrong. Tonight is the final 2 hours of the 4 show crossover which began last night. To catch you up, as Barry & Iris went to say “I do,” Nazi versions of Green Arrow (Dark Arrow) and Supergirl (Overgirl), both from Earth-X (the 53rd Earth no one ever visits), along with Earth 1’s Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawne wearing his Harrison Wells face) crash the nuptials with their Earth-X Nazi SS henchmen and cause all sorts of havoc. Their aim is to kidnap Supergirl so she can (unwillingly) donate her heart to Overgirl who is dying from too much sun radiation. Also, maybe, they want to conquer our Earth while they’re here for … the Fatherland. Also, Felicity told Oliver she doesn’t believe in marriage and doesn’t want to marry him. Oliver is … not handling this well.
Now you’re caught up, so watch the conclusion tonight! Here is what else is on TV.
Continue reading “What To Watch – Tuesday, November 28, 2017”