What To Watch – Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Winter Olympics start tonight!! Which we cannot be more happy about. We still have CW shows, Supernatural and Arrow, on top because, loyalty! And the first night events are kind of lame.  But we will be definitely flipping back and forth!

Also, new Impractical Jokers and The Four has a finale … not that I know anyone who is watching this mess?

Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW

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TV Recap: The Magicians – The Mosaic

The Magicians
“A Life in the Day”
February 7, 2018

For three seasons, The Magicians has been this little show that could; turning out great stories with interesting characters and whimsical plots but tonight, “A Life in the Day” pushes The Magicians into the pantheon of great television.

There is an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation called “Inner Light.” Its widely considered one of the best episodes TNG ever made and in it, the Enterprise’s captain, Jean Luc Picard, is knocked unconscious on the bridge and awakes on a planet. And, over the course of the episode, he lives a full life on that planet with a wife, children, grandchildren. He experiences highs and lows and all the pain and joy of living.  And when he wakes back on the Enterprise, he retains all of those memories and it changes him ever after. Changes him in ways that are tangible and intangible.

“A Life in the Day” is The Magicians‘ “Inner Light” and we have all been changed … changed for the better.

Read on for Deep Dive Recap … After the Jump!

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What To Watch – Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Wow, get ready cause tonight is an epic night of TV. First we have a couple of season finales including The Librarians (it looks absolutely bananas) and Knightfall (expect big action and at least a couple of deaths).

But also, the single best episode The Magicians has ever made is on tonight and you don’t want to miss it.  If you’re even a remote fan of this show, this is the episode you don’t want to miss.   Magic Wednesday are Alive!!

Photo by Allyson Riggs

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What To Watch – Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Its The CW Tuesdays so we are loving us some The Flash and Black Lightning (hoping I get my deep dive recap up in time for tonight’s episode …). But elsewhere, we are excited to see Tobias Fornell return to NCIS and we are adding two new recommendations, This Is Us (on a probationary status) and Bellevue (look up where WGN America is located in your cable subscription).  And, as always, Drunk History is a Top Pick for the night!

Photo Credit: Comedy Central

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What To Watch – Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday nights aren’t the same with new The Brave on but we must, we will, soldier on.  We still have a new episode of our current fave psychological thriller, The Alienist (make sure you have read our latest deep dive recap of last week’s episode before you watch tonight), as well as new episodes of Supergirl, Scorpion and The Good Doctor.  Out of the norm, we are looking at a documentary on Silk Road (of Dark Web fame). All in all, a fun filled night of TV.

I’d be remiss not to mention the fact that the Winter Olympics begin on Thursday and so expect lots of coverage on that from us (we love the Olympics) and in fact, NBC is doing a preview hour of the Americans to watch at the games, but, as we have other things we’d rather watch tonight at 10, it didn’t make our recommend list.

Photo by Kata Vermes

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TV Recap: The Alienist – The One With the Silver Smile …

The Alienist
“A Fruitful Partnership”
January 29, 2018

Change. That’s what The Alienist is about.  It crystallized for me tonight. Seeing this team of outsiders and misfits assemble made me realize that change is the common thread they represent. I go into this below in my thoughts section and don’t want to discuss here before you have read about the episode but as you watch and as you read below, think about how change, in the ways it can happen, is the thing uniting what I am going to call for now, Team Alienist.  Until I think of something more clever.

Early in this episode, I was ready to write of Moore as being too one note and annoying to like, to the point where it was almost taking me away from enjoying the show, but by the end, my thoughts have changed and I think John Moore may have the most important journey out of any character here. We’ll see. Anyway …

Make sure you have read our deep dive recap of last week before jumping into this week’s installment in the story.  Our deep dive recap of The Alienist‘s episode, “A Fruitful Partnership” (lots of spoilers ahead — you have been warned) … after the jump!

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What To Watch – Friday, February 2, 2018

Its Friday and MacGyver is all new so things are doing okay. To make it even better, Murdock is back — those are the best episodes!!

Also new, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.LD.!!  For the 10pm hour, we’re recommending the Graham Norton Show which we don’t watch regularly but makes us laugh very hard whenever I do.

(ABC/Eric McCandless)

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What To Watch – Thursday, February 2, 2018

As always our Thursday picks revolve around The CW – all new Supernatural and Arrow can’t be beat! Otherwise, not much else going on.  We are thinking about cutting Footloose because that movie is everything!!

Photo: Bettina Strauss/The CW

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TV Recap: The Magicians – Mr. Cellophane!

The Magicians
“Be the Penny”
January 31, 2018

If you have seen tonight’s episode, I think you can agree this was some of Arjun Gupta’s best work in this entire series and this is a Top 3 episode of The Magicians overall.  The narrative device they use, alone, will make it a fan favorite.

Without giving away spoilers (that’s after the jump), most of the scenes tonight feature a device I described in my own head as a “Play within a Play” mechanic. We are watching someone watching others. And both layers are important to the story, specifically and generally.  The device holds together really well throughout every transition and serves to connect all the characters’ threads into one storyline. The last few weeks, we have seen some connectivity between the different characters (e.g., Eliot and Q via Bunny Text) but overall, everyone has been off doing their own thing.  Tonight, through Penny, everyone is connected in a coherent way that reminds you (if you even needed reminding), why you love this show … and that’s no small magic trick .

Read the recap for “Be the Penny” (spoilers!!!! You’ve been Warned) … after the jump!

(Photo by: Eric Milner/Syfy)

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What To Watch – Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Magical Wednesdays, my favorite time of the week! Our Top Picks to Watch Tonight are The Librarians at 8 and then The Magicians at 9.

Adding into that a full block of Knights Templar action over on History Channel and there is a lot to watch tonight.

(Photo by: Eric Milner/Syfy)

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