If you’re watching anything other The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow tonight, you’re doing TV wrong. Tonight is the final 2 hours of the 4 show crossover which began last night. To catch you up, as Barry & Iris went to say “I do,” Nazi versions of Green Arrow (Dark Arrow) and Supergirl (Overgirl), both from Earth-X (the 53rd Earth no one ever visits), along with Earth 1’s Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawne wearing his Harrison Wells face) crash the nuptials with their Earth-X Nazi SS henchmen and cause all sorts of havoc. Their aim is to kidnap Supergirl so she can (unwillingly) donate her heart to Overgirl who is dying from too much sun radiation. Also, maybe, they want to conquer our Earth while they’re here for … the Fatherland. Also, Felicity told Oliver she doesn’t believe in marriage and doesn’t want to marry him. Oliver is … not handling this well.
Now you’re caught up, so watch the conclusion tonight! Here is what else is on TV.

8pm Hour:

1st. Choice: The Flash. Crisis on Earth-X picks up where Arrow left off last night, our heroes are all split up with a bunch of them stuck on Earth-X (the 53rd Earth in the multiverse). Also, Citizen Cold returns tonight in Wentworth’s final turn as the villain turned hero turned citizen. The CW
2nd Choice: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. This is a TV classic and if you’re not watching Crisis on Earth-X, this is the only acceptable alternative. CBS
3rd Choice: The Voice. Top 11 Elimination tonight! Live! NBC
9pm Hour:
1st Choice: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Crisis on Earth-X concludes during the Legends’ normal hour! The CW
2nd Choice: What on Earth? “A strange lake in Transylvania is the home of an abandoned village—and a terrifying secret. When a labyrinth is discovered on an island once home to an ancient Greek civilization, experts investigate if it was the legendary home of the Minotaur.” SCI
3rd Choice: NCIS. At a special time tonight, this is a repeat from earlier in the season about McGee’s apartment getting all jacked up by a would be robber. CBS
10pm Hour:
1st Choice: Damnation. “Negotiations commence between the farmers and the bank. But things turn bloody when Creeley divides the farmers.” I’m behind on this show but will be catching up during the Winter hiatuses. USA
2nd Choice: Drunk History. First a Christmas Special at 10pm and then a repeat of the Hamilton episode which is very good. Comedy Central
3rd Choice: Strange Evidence. “A strange beast is spotted in a remote Brazilian town. A cataclysmic blast sparks fears of nuclear disaster. When a child displays superhuman powers, some fear it’s the devil’s work” SCI