What To Watch Tonight? Well, most of TV tonight is dedicated to the Midterm Elections. But, at least there is still The Gifted.

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Your New Voice In Our Pop Culture Dominated World.
What To Watch Tonight? Well, most of TV tonight is dedicated to the Midterm Elections. But, at least there is still The Gifted.
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What To Watch Tonight? Oh, you’ve got choices! Tuesday nights are jam packed! Tonight, we have the season finale of The Outpost (check out Casey’s latest recap & review here). Also, we have all new The Gifted, NCIS, FBI and New Amsterdam, our Top Pick To Watch Tonight (check out Beth’s latest recap & review here)!
Continue reading “What To Watch Tonight – Tuesday, October 2, 2018”
What To Watch Tonight? So much!! The Fall season is upon us and Tuesdays are going to be a popping night of television! Tonight, we have the return of The Outpost after a week off (check out Casey’s latest recap & review here). Also, we have the season premieres of The Gifted (a PCR Favorite) and NCIS (a classic that we still want to root for). In addition, we have the series premieres of FBI (one of PCR’s Top Shows to keep an eye on this year) and New Amsterdam, one of our Top 3 Best New Shows of the Fall! It’s also out Top Pick To Watch Tonight!
Since PCR Mike is currently in the middle of an ocean, drinking and cruising, our LOST Series (Re)Watch will pick up next week with Season 2, episodes 7 and 8! Tonight, enjoy this night of all new television!
Continue reading “What To Watch Tonight – Tuesday, September 25, 2018”
What To Watch Tonight? Not great choices. The “good” stuff comes later in the night with The Purge and Mayans M.C. Earlier, you have the season finale of America’s Got Talent, Chopped and Murder by Numbers. Nothing here is really getting me excited.
Also, as we do every Tuesday night, we are pressing play on two more episodes in our LOST Series (Re)Watch! Tonight, Season 2, Episodes 5 and 6 at 10p (ET). “…And Found” is a Sun & Jin episode and “Abandoned” is a Shannon episode. Follow me on Twitter (@Popcultureview) and tweet along with us! We have to go back!
Continue reading “What To Watch Tonight – Tuesday, September 18, 2018”
It’s September 11, a difficult day for myself and countless other Americans. Tonight, I’ll be watching the scant programming commemorating the horrific event, in particular, History Channel’s 9/11: Escape from the Towers. That none of the networks are doing anything on this 17th Anniversary speaks volumes to me about this country and our too short memory. The “What To Watch Tonight” below is normal Tuesday night programming choices …
We are RESUMING our weekly LOST Series re-watch tonight. We will be pressing play on Season 2, Episodes 3 and 4 at 10p (ET). “Orientation” is a Locke episode and “Everybody Hates Hugo” is a Hurley episode. Follow me on Twitter (@Popcultureview) and tweet along with us! We have to go back!
Continue reading “What To Watch Tonight – Tuesday, September 11, 2018”
What To Watch Tonight features the series premieres of the highly anticipated The Purge (our Top Pick) and the Sons of Anarchy spin-off, Mayans M.C. We also have the season finale of Making It and the premiere of a new E! show, Model Squad.
Given the premieres of these 2 hot new shows in the 10p hour, for this week only, we are postponing our weekly LOST Series re-watch. We will pick up with Season 2, Episodes 3 and 4 NEXT Tuesday at 10p (EST). Follow me on Twitter (@Popcultureview) and tweet along with us! We have to go back!
Continue reading “What To Watch Tonight – Tuesday, September 4, 2018”