Last Man Standing
“Welcome Baxter” (Episode 701)
September 28, 2018
Welcome Baxter!
The Baxter family is back!!!! I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of season 7 of Last Man Standing since it’s return to television was announced earlier this year. Last Man Standing was a show I caught every week without fail and I was utterly heartbroken when ABC cancelled it after its 6th season.
I may have been in the sea of the angry mob crying their outrage to ABC. Tim Allen and the cast bring laughs through a conservative view and the juxtaposition of their democratic neighbors and business partners. Every week this show pokes fun at politics and hot topic issues without making one side or the other the unfair butt of the joke.

There isn’t a lot of shows that can create comedy out of today’s issues without things turning ugly towards one side. I believe that is in part why Last Man Standing did so well on the air and will continue to do so on its new network. The announcement that Fox picked up Last Man Standing for a 7th season after the show had been off the air for a year was a joyous surprise to many. Not only did the show return after being cancelled over a year ago but it also switched networks, a feat that is not easily reproduced.
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