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Reverie Recaps Archives - Pop Culture Review

TV Recap: Reverie – From the Ashes …

“Point of Origin” (Episode 110)
August 8, 2018

Writing the season finale of Reverie is bittersweet because we didn’t have very long with the show. Just a mere 10 episodes and now we have to wait to find out if we will get a Season 2. 

Alas, we have my recap of the season finale (I still can’t believe that cliffhanger!). Read all the way through until the end and I will cover my feelings for the season as a whole and why I hope for a Season 2 and the things we can do to help better our chances for a renewal.

Episode 9 set the stage for the season finale – read up on my recap hereAll caught up? Good! Without further delay, the deep dive recap and review of the season finale of Reverie … after the jump (Spoilers Beware)!

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TV Recap: Reverie – Burn …

“The Key” (Episode 109)
August 1, 2018

Read up on the details on what happened in last week’s Reverie here

The biggest shock of last week’s episode, okay, well, I guess there were two big shocks, was first, Mara has been seeing Chris as a derealization and only realized this after she was with program Chris and received a phone call from human Chris and the derealization turned into Ray. WHAT?!?! The second shock was Oliver Hill had the shady security guard steal him a program tablet to only go inside the program and collapse without explanation at a bar. WHAT?!?!?

Oliver Hill saying apertus is where we left off last week and now we will begin with The Key (Spoilers ahead – be warned)!!!!

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TV Recap: Reverie – Farewell …

“Despedida” (Episode 108)
July 25, 2018

During last week’s episode of Reverie,we saw what happens when an “East Berlin” takes place – that’s the name when two Reveries cross paths. Mara had to work to help Ehmet who was being held by a branch of the Department of Defense and being interrogated by a pilot program using Reverie. The DOD believed Ehmet was a part of a terrorist cell but they were sorely mistaken. Thankfully, with the help of her team, Mara was able to go back into Ehmet’s Reverie and get out via the Mandala. When Mara returned from the program she had a large bruise on her side from being shot while in the program. We don’t know how long this effect will last; Paul wasn’t comfortable with it but didn’t say so. By the end of the episode we can almost safely say Monica Shaw is team Onira Tech and made sure the interrogation seen in the East Berlin wouldn’t happen. Oh, Chris and Mara got “friendly” after dinner at the end of the episode.

Well here we go for “Despedida” which is Spanish for “farewell“; we begin … after the jump (Spoilers Beware)!

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TV Recap: Reverie – “East Berlin”

“The Black Mandala” (Episode 107)
July 18, 2018

Last week’s episode, we saw Holly having to choose between the life she had to give up because of an accident and the world she wasn’t sure she wanted to be a part of anymore. After Mara was able to convince her that her sister needed her and that if she stayed she would end up dying in the program as well, she went back. We also met Chris — not only Holly’s therapist but also Mara’s ex-boyfriend, wondering if we will see more of him in the upcoming episodes. If they grow closer how will Paul handle that cause we can all clearly see that he really cares about Mara. Now if you thought I forgot, I didn’t, that big bomb they left us with at the end of the episode. Ray, he is still alive and I wonder how this will get tied into the upcoming episodes.

I hope you are prepared with all the essentials for this recap, it’s going to to be a long one. Without further adieu spoilers ahead.

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TV Recap: Reverie – “I don’t want to leave”

“Pas de Deux” (Episode 106)
July 11, 2018

We have survived the two week break for the Fourth of July. Last episode we saw Mara enter the program with Ashley who was in a coma and didn’t know she was in the Reverie program at first. By the end of the episode, lives were saved and Mara was able to help her come to terms with her passing and get one last message to her mom. Lexi went on a not so great first ride along with Charlie and, at the end of the episode, gave Charlie a glimmer into her past. Mara didn’t have any derealization moments during this episode but that doesn’t mean they are gone.

Before diving into the episode, I just want to touch on something or enlighten. “Pas de Deux” means a dance between two people. As you move up the ranks of ballet classes if you get the opportunity to partner it is known as pas de deux. Ballet took up a huge portion of my life and seeing the title of this episode, I knew it was going to hit home in some capacity.

Without further a due, it’s time to break down the episode (Spoilers Ahead – Be warned)!

REVERIE — “Pas De Deux” Episode 106 — Pictured: Sally Pressman as Holly Maxwell — (Photo by: Vivian Zink/NBC) Continue reading “TV Recap: Reverie – “I don’t want to leave””

TV Recap: Reverie – Lady Bug …

Altum Somnum (Episode 105)
June 27, 2018

Here I am still playing catch up with my recaps; after this we will be all caught up and ready to go for the July 11th episode. As I sit here preparing for this recap I can’t help but think about how different our lives would be if a program like Reverie were actually available to us. It’s fun to imagine but as we see on the show there are downsides and dangers to the program. Each week we learn a new way the program can be utilized and this week is no different. Technology like this would need to have clear lines because in the wrong hands could be very dangerous.

Anyways, enough of my pondering thoughts and onto the recap. Last week we learned how the program can be used to breach security as well as overcome one’s daily challenges, this week we try to prevent crisis.

As per usual spoilers ahead …

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TV Recap: Reverie – Who is Oliver Hill?

“Blue is the Coldest Color” (Episode 104)
June 20, 2018

Alright, as you sit down to read this I know that you are aware that this recap comes a week late but if you are reading this you probably lead a very busy life as well and needed to make sure when you caught up, you got all the details. Nevertheless the recap is here – all 6 billion words of it. Each episode of Reverie is coming with new twists and turns, more reasons for the Reverie program and what it can do.

In episode 3 we got to see how the program can bring out things that the users have suppressed. We also learn about how the program is able to help others overcome things.  During episode 4, we will see more of this. So with that spoilers ahead and we are on our way.

Continue reading “TV Recap: Reverie – Who is Oliver Hill?”

TV Recap: Reverie – You just need … L-E-R-I

“No More Mr Nice Guy” (Episode 103)
June 13, 2018


We are back with a full recon of episode three but before we dive in here is a brief reminder of where we left off at the end episode two (or read my whole recap here). We left seeing Mara deciding not to take her pills when she heard Brynn’s laughter in her house. After pulling one of the pictures she had previously put in a drawer back out, Brynn returns and is standing right in front of her. “Hello There” Mara said and the screen went black.

Alright let’s begin…(spoilers ahead)

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TV Recap: Reverie – “Go In, Get Her, Get Out”

“Bond. Jane Bond” (Episode 102)
June 6, 2018


At the end of episode one we left with having Mara seen her niece Brynn at the end of the hallway in her apartment for a split second. So I bet you are wondering if Mara will see more of Brynn and if she will be able to help more of the users who are stuck. Well, I could spoil the entire episode and tell you now or we can dive right into the recap. You’ve been warned. spoilers ahead.

(Photo by: NBC)

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TV Recap: Reverie – A Field Trip to Heaven …

“Apertus” (Episode 101)
May 30, 2018

Reverie, a new drama embarking on it’s pilot season with NBC, premiered tonight and here you will find everything you need to know about the Pilot episode. As of right now it appears the season will be 10 episodes. If you find yourself here and didn’t hear of Reverie or the preview didn’t catch your attention, well stop reading and go watch and come back after you finish.

NBC didn’t do Reverie any justice with the preview for the Pilot. In fact, because of the preview, I wasn’t going to watch but then Mike [Ed. Note: Really Cool Guy, that Mike] said I should give it ago and I’m glad I listened. So as you go forward please leave any prior qualms you had about the show aside and proceed with an open mind. You’ve been warned spoilers ahead.

(Photo by: NBC)

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