What To Watch Tonight? Today is the 75th Anniversary of the Invasion of Normandy, better known as D-Day. Given the anniversary and the fact that it was a major turning point in WWII and one of the most important events of the 20th Century, the lack of coverage tonight is shocking and appalling to me. Luckily, Nat Geo and Smithsonian Channel have some specials you can watch. Also, the Season 4 premiere of Queen of the South. What are you watching?
8pm Hour:

1st Choice: The Battle of Normandy: 85 Days in Hell. “On the morning of June 6, 1944, thousands of ships reached the French coast of Normandy as part of an Allied operation to take back France from the Germans. For the next 85 days, U.S., British, and Canadian soldiers engaged in conflicts of unimaginable violence, conquering and liberating the region’s cities, but at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives. From the D-Day invasion to the final Nazi surrender in Argentan, this is the definitive story of the three-month Battle of Normandy as it’s never been seen before.” Smithsonian Channel
2nd Choice: Sacrifice. (This Special Originally aired in 2014). “Its June 5, 1944, and the largest military invasion fleet in history departs for the northern coast of France in hopes of liberating German-occupied Europe.” Nat Geo
3rd Choice: iZombie. “Liv consumes the brain of the ultimate matchmaker, which makes her seek a perfect match for Major. Meanwhile, Blaine will stoop to any level to protect himself. Lastly, Don E contemplates an interesting offer.” The CW
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: Sacrifice. (This Special Originally aired in 2014). “Its June 6, 1944, and the Allies have secured the landing beaches of Normandy. The pivotal battle for the coast is over, but the real mission has just begun.” Nat Geo
2nd Choice: In the Dark. “Murphy and Jess are both going through similar situations, but they are handling things very differently. Meanwhile, Felix and Jess share a beautiful moment together.” The CW
3rd Choice: Project Runway. Part 1 of the 2 part season finale where a new top designer will be picked! Bravo
10pm Hour:

1st Choice: Queen of the South. “Teresa expands her business and proves herself to a smuggler who offers her a business opportunity.” USA
2nd Choice: Project Runway. Continues on Bravo.
3rd Choice: Elementary. “Holmes takes extreme measures to secure his return to New York when he leans on his father’s disreputable connections to aid his legal re-entry into the U.S. Also, while Holmes looks for a way back to the U.S., Watson helps the NYPD investigate a murder at storage facility that caters to wealthy clients with items they want hidden from U.S. Customs.” CBS