What To Watch Tonight? HBO’s dominance on Sunday night continues with the series premiere of Watchmen, the long anticipated comic book adaptation from Damon Lindelof (LOST; The Leftovers). Also, Mr. Robot and The Walking Dead. Check out the full list of picks for the night below. What are you watching?

8pm Hour:

1st Choice: Batwoman. “As the city waits impatiently for another visit from who they think is Batman, Alice (Rachel Skarsten) continues to taunt Kate (Ruby Rose) with a secret but also sets her sights on Jacob (Dougray Scott) and Catherine (Elizabeth Anweis). Kate is visited by Tommy Elliot (guest star Gabriel Mann), a childhood friend of her cousin who has finally realized his lifelong dream of being wealthier than Bruce Wayne and throws a party so all of Gotham can celebrate his success. Mary (Nicole Kang) gets an unexpected new bestie when Sophie (Meagan Tandy) is assigned to protect her. Luke (Camrus Johnson) and Kate work together to uncover who may have taken a valuable weapon from Batman’s arsenal. And as Batwoman faces a new enemy, Kate realizes she must either walk away from her new role or fully embrace the mantle as Gotham’s new hope.” The CW
2nd Choice: God Friended Me. “Miles, Cara and Rakesh support Joy when the God Account sends her a friend suggestion that brings up painful memories for her. Also, Arthur is tempted by a professional opportunity.” CBS
3rd Choice: Deadline: Crime with Tamron Hall. “After helping a friend fix his computer, an 18-year-old tech prodigy never returns home. Police work around the clock to find the truth.” ID
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: Watchmen. Series Premiere. “In an alternate America where police conceal their identities behind masks to protect themselves from a terrorist organization, Detective Angela Abar (Regina King) investigates the attempted murder of a fellow officer under the guidance of her friend and Chief, Judd Crawford (Don Johnson). Meanwhile, the Lord of a Country Estate (Jeremy Irons) receives an anniversary gift from his loyal servants.” HBO
2nd Choice: The Walking Dead. “Alexandria is plagued with the return of the Whisperers; Carol is having a hard time because of her thirst for revenge.” AMC
3rd Choice: Supergirl. “Kara (Melissa Benoist) attempts to mend her relationship with Lena (Katie McGrath). J’onn J’onzz (David Harewood) takes a deep dive into his memories while Kelly (Azie Tesfai) tries to help an old friend.” The CW
10pm Hour:

1st Choice: Mr. Robot. “Whiterose has the feels; Elliot gets owned by his own hack; and an old foe chills in wait.” USA
2nd Choice: Talking Dead. “Chris Hardwick sits down with the fans, actors, producers and TV enthusiasts to recap the most recent episode.” AMC
3rd Choice: The Rookie. “Officer Nolan gets off to a rocky start after being introduced to his new training officer, Nyla Harper, who has an unconventional approach to police work after her stint as an undercover detective. Meanwhile, Officer Bradford struggles to think of an appropriate birthday gift for Rachel, and Officer Lopez finds herself navigating a case that triggers a personal memory.” ABC