I absolutely love Monday nights. I am at least 2 shows deep every hour of the night and I can’t get enough. The Gifted, The Brave and The Supergirl lead my fav picks of the night but I also am also watching every minute of Scorpion, Valor and The Good Doctor too. Here are your picks for tonight, Monday, October 23, 2017!

8pm Hour:
1st Choice: Supergirl. We go to Mars tonight with Jonn and Supergirl. What else do you need? The CW
2nd Choice: The Big Bang Theory and 9JKL. The CBS veteran and freshman comedies provide you your nightly dosage of Monday night yucks. CBS
3rd Choice: The Voice. If you’re looking for the best singing the show has to offer, now is the time to start tuning as we’re well into the Battle Rounds. NBC
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: The Gifted. “When the mutants devise a plan to take down Sentinel Services, Eclipse seeks out an old friend from his dark past in order to obtain some useful information. Meanwhile, Lauren and Andy attempt to combine their powers in order to help the group”. Fox

2nd Choice: Valor. Mandani’s additions continue to mission creep all over her ability to function day to day while the mystery of the American Somaliam prisoner deepen. The CW
3rd Choice: Star Wars Rebels. 2 new episodes fill your 9pm block. Tonight’s 2-parter features, Ezra and the gang working with Saw Gerrera (who was played by Forest Whitaker in Rogue One – Rebels continues to creep closer and closer to the movies and I love it!). Disney XD
10pm Hour:

1st Choice: The Brave. “When the Ambassador Charles Webb (Guest Star Ben Cain) is in danger while stationed in Nigeria, Dalton’s (Mike Vogel) team heads to the region to find a situation different than they expected. Jaz (Natacha Karam) makes a connection with a little girl she meets during the mission and Patricia (Anne Heche) receives some personal news” Presumably, the ambassador is really a bad guy, Jaz will kill you with the sweetness of her scenes, and Campbell’s news will relate to the affairs of her recently deceased soldier son. If you don’t already, follow the cast on Twitter, they are very chatty and super receptive to fans. NBC

2nd Choice: Scorpion. Team Scorpion is taken hostage at a tech convention and must use the cutting edge technology to save the day and themselves. Seems unfair to allow geniuses to allow cutting edge technology to solve their problems. Its stacking the deck. CBS
3rd Choice: The Good Doctor. Shaun has to deal with a patient that’s a dead ringer for his dead brother. I’m sure that will go smoothly. It occurred to me last week that most of the work struggles Shaun has could be solved if the other doctors cut him off before speaking in front of patients to ask him to step outside. Just assume the worst and cut right in. ABC