Tonight on Supergirl, World Killer, Reign, makes her official, fully costumed, debut and she looks kind of badass. Also, we have new The Gifted, new The Good Doctor and new Robert Kirkman’s Secret History of Comic Books. So, lots of fun stuff to watch on Monday nights! Enjoy the new while you can as mid-season finales begin this week!

1st Choice: Supergirl. Reign, World Killer, is here ya’ll. I believe this is mid-season finale so expect shit to get real. Poor Ruby is going to regret wishing her mom had super powers. “Supergirl investigates a mysterious symbol popping up all over National City, tracing its origins back to an ancient prophecy and the mark of the World Killer, Reign. Meanwhile, the tension between Lena and Morgan Edge continues to build, causing James to step in and offer up some protection, and possibly igniting a spark in the process” The CW
2nd Choice: The Great Christmas Light Fight. We love all things Christmas-y at Pop Culture Review so, we recommend even the most ridiculous of holiday themed shows. This one is no different. 2 hours of watching people out Christmas light each other. Apparently this is year 5 of this nonsense. Love it! ABC
3rd Choice: The Voice. Live Shows Continue! The top 10 perform. NBC
9pm Hour:

1st Choice. The Gifted. That bombshell that the siblings might be super mutants and that Reed was altered by his father to not ahve the X gene. Yeah, those chickens come home to roost tonight. “The team develops a risky plan to help mutants who are in Sentinel Services’ custody. Reed reveals details to Andy and Lauren about the Struckers’ family history that could prove to be a game-changer.” FOX
2nd Choice: Ride with Norman Reedus. “In the Season 2 finale, Norman rides around his home city of New York while visiting friends, eating pizza with Mario Batali, and exploring the city’s art, food and culture.” How is this the season 2 finale already?!? They need to give Norman more episodes. AMC
3rd Choice: The Great Christmas Light Fight. Continues on ABC.
10pm Hour:
1st Choice: The Good Doctor. I get Glassman is having guilt and shit, but he needs to elt Shaun fly a little on his own. Yeesh. “Members of the hospital’s surgical team are initially impressed with a charming young doctor, but his true character puts one of them in an awkward position at work. Meanwhile, Glassman feels Shaun needs a little more support with his personal life and suggests he meet with a therapist. However, Shaun is determined to show him that he can do it on his own.” ABC

3rd Choice: The Wall. Tonight is the holiday episode of this weird little game show, Deck the Wall: A Holiday Spectacular. NBC