Listen, when The Godfather is on, you grab your cannolis and you watch The Godfather. And its on tonight. So …
But! Its also mid-season finale night for The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Choices man, they are hard!

8pm Hour:

1st. Choice: The Flash. Its mid-season finale time for The Flash … “Amunet (guest star Katie Sackhoff) kidnaps Caitlin and puts meta-dampener handcuffs on her to keep her from turning into Killer Frost. Amunet tells Caitlin she needs her to perform a tricky medical task and if Caitlin fails, Amunet will kill her. Meanwhile, The Thinker (guest star Neil Sandilands) traps The Flash in a speedster-proof prison. With the clock ticking, The Team doesn’t have the time or resources to track both Caitlin and Barry so Iris is forced to choose who to save. ” The CW
2nd Choice: The Voice. Top 10 Elimination tonight! Live! NBC
3rd Choice: The Godfather. When The Godfather is on, you watch. Trust me, they’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse. AMC
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Following in the wake of Stein’s death last week, the Legends need to soldier on. Tonight, “[r]attled by recent events, the Legends dive into work which finds them investigating an Anachronism in a Viking settlement in the New World. The Legends realize that the Norsemen are worshipping an artifact as their god and are surprised by the artifact’s origin. For the first time, Sara is worried that they might need back up when Damien Darhk (guest star, Neal McDonough) shows up. Meanwhile, Jax finds a loophole that could potentially change history, but it is a risk he is willing to take. ” The CW
2nd Choice: The Godfather. Continues on AMC
3rd Choice: Grave Secrets. “In 1987, a horrifying secret lies in the remote Molalla Forest in Oregon. When a hunter discovers women’s bodies buried in the woods, investigators fear the infamous Green River Killer has struck their town. But the truth is much closer to home.” ID
10pm Hour:
1st Choice: The Godfather. Continues on AMC
2nd Choice: Strange Evidence. “Marine scientists discover a gruesome underwater death zone that seems to kill anything that dares to enter. When apocalyptic skies appear during a deadly earthquake in Ecuador, residents fear it’s the end of days.” SCI
3rd Choice: Village of the Damned. “For 13 days in winter, the Dryden community searches for a little girl, missing in the blinding snow. Not even the police suspect the horrible truth. Then, three years later, the “curse” of Dryden returns when a love triangle turns to murder.” ID