What To Watch Tonight features the return of The Outpost (our Top Pick To Watch Tonight), catch up on Casey’s recaps here! Also on, Murder By Numbers, as well as new Carter and Making It.
Most importantly, on Twitter, at 10p (EST), we’ll be Live tweeting the 3 part Season 1 Finale, “Exodus”!! Follow me on Twitter (@Popcultureview) and tweet along with us! We have to go back!

8pm Hour:
1st Choice: The Flash. “Barry and Ralph take different approaches to finding the remaining bus metas before DeVoe gets to them. However, Ralph’s cavalier attitude frustrates Barry and the two clash over what it means to be a hero. Meanwhile, Breacher returns to ask Cisco for a favor.” (Repeat) The CW
2nd Choice: America’s Got Talent. Live “A quarterfinal round” NBC
3rd Choice: Beat Shazam. “Teams of twins compete; and Shaquille O’Neal, Lance Bass and Joey McIntyre are special guests.” Fox
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: The Outpost. “Talon promises to find the mysterious “Book of Names.” Gwynn’s true identity is revealed. Talon agrees to escort Janzo to meet the Worm’s colipsum supplier outside the walls of the Outpost” The CW
2nd Choice: Murder By Numbers. “A twisted murderer preys on young women in Bellevue, Wash., leaving their bodies sadistically posed. As police work to draw a crucial connection, an unconventional clue surfaces and leads them to an unlikely killer hiding in plain sight.” ID
3rd Choice: America’s Got Talent. Continues on NBC.
10pm Hour:

1st Choice: LOST Series Re(Watch). Episodes 23-25 of LOST is the 3 Part Season 1 Finale, “Exodus.” In Exodus, the Rafties are attacked, Rousseau steals baby Aaron, we finally see The Black Rock, Arzt is an idiot, and the Hatch Opens! It was a dynamic season finale then and still works today!! Hulu
2nd Choice: Making It. “Amy, Nick and the Makers celebrate all the holidays, beginning with Halloween. They’ll have to get crafty in order to design inventive costumes for a last-minute costume party using common household materials. The Makers are then tasked with bringing holiday cheer to the whole neighborhood. For the Master Craft challenge, the Makers each pick their favorite holiday and create a festive display for their home’s front door.” NBC
3rd Choice: Carter. “Harley accepts a position as a Consulting Detective in the Bishop PD. He solves his first case and earns an office in the precinct.” WGNA