What To Watch Tonight? Our Wednesday faves are back tonight after largely taking the week off. Our Top Picks to Watch Tonight are Krypton and Yellowstone (check out our recaps here). Check out our full set of picks below. What are you watching?

8pm Hour:

1st Choice: MasterChef. “The Top 16 home cooks fight for immunity in an epic team challenge. Split into two teams, the corresponding captains are immersed in Italian cuisine, as they head to Joe Bastianich’s Los Angeles restaurant, Osteria Mozza, to learn how to make a gourmet, authentic three-course Italian meal. The team captains then make their way back to the “MasterChef” kitchen to teach their respective teams how to execute the same meal for the judges.” Fox
2nd Choice: Nova. “Why engineers and entrepreneurs alike have their sights set on the moon once again. Fifty years after humans first set foot on the moon, new scientific discoveries are fueling excitement for a return to the lunar surface—this time, perhaps, to stay.” PBS
3rd Choice: I Love You, Now Die: The Commonwealth vs Michelle Carter. “Part 2. Michelle Carter’s legal team seek to prove that she was not responsible for her boyfriend’s death.” HBO
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: Jane the Virgin. “After Jane is struck with inspiration for her book, she immediately begins to write, but her next challenge is to get an agent. Rogelio has been so focused on being the star, he begins to contemplate taking on a different role instead. Meanwhile, Jane thinks it’s important to build a different relationship with the twins and turns to Petra for some guidance.” The CW
2nd Choice: The Killer Beside Me. “Alice Hufnagle was raped and murdered on November 22. 2002. After following numerous leads and dead-ends, Police find the vital clues that lead them to Jeffery Vample, Alice’s co-worker a local Pharmacy. Vample was convicted of 1st Degree Murder.” ID
3rd Choice: I Love You, Now Die: The Commonwealth vs Michelle Carter. Continues on HBO.
10pm Hour:

1st Choice: Krypton. “Amidst a hostage negotiation that could end the war on Krypton, Seg seeks answers about Lyta.” Syfy
2nd Choice: Yellowstone. “Rainwater teams up with Jenkins for a big business deal, but powerful new enemies look to block their plans. John and Beth groom a new political candidate.” Paramount
3rd Choice: The InBetween. “Cassie is drawn to a young mother who needs her help and encounters young Abigail once again. Tom and Damien investigate a complicated murder that has international ramifications.” NBC