What To Watch Tonight? It’s Syfy Wednesday! Our Top Picks To Watch Tonight The Magicians and Deadly Class, back to back! Otherwise, it’s kind of a rough night with Riverdale and All American in repeats. Gordon Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell & Back and The Masked Singer are both new.

8pm Hour:

1st Choice: Gordon Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell & Back. “Gordon Ramsay’s “Hell On Wheels” travels to Los Toros, a decades-old Mexican restaurant located in the heart of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles. After intense investigation and surveillance, Chef Ramsay and his team discover an over-worked owner, buried in astronomical debt that’s taking tolls on his health. Ramsay will try to bring this failing restaurant back from the brink of disaster—all in just 24 hours.” Fox
2nd Choice: Engineering Catastrophes. “Featuring world-class structures which are saved by top quality technology.” Science
3rd Choice: Mysteries at the Museum. “Don examines a sinister plot, a tale of valor and a curious corpse.” Travel
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: The Magicians. “Alice and Quentin confront a dog. There are some flashbacks.” Syfy
2nd Choice: The Masked Singer. “In the semifinal episode, two celebrities are unmasked, leaving only the top three singers.” Fox
3rd Choice: Project Runway All Stars. “The winners turn daytime separates into a night-time look” Lifetime
10pm Hour:

1st Choice: Deadly Class. “Maria and Marcus deal with the ramifications of the death of Chico.” Syfy
2nd Choice: Suits. “Donna’s relationship complicates a deal for Harvey and Alex. Samantha helps Louis get justice” USA
3rd Choice: In Pursuit with John Walsh. “A look at Mike Bullinger’s double life that is believed to have ended in a triple homicide.” ID