What to Watch Tonight? All new Treadstone is our Top Pick to Watch Tonight! Also high on the list, The Flash and Arrow! CBS is in reruns tonight. Check out all of our picks below. What are you watching?

8pm Hour:

1st Choice: The Flash. “Barry’s efforts to prepare Cisco for Crisis are derailed when Cisco schemes to save Barry’s life instead. Meanwhile, Ramsey Rosso uses his deadly new abilities to save his own life, while sacrificing his humanity in the process.” The CW
2nd Choice: The Voice. “The “Knockout Rounds” continue. Each artist is paired against a teammate to perform individually, while their direct competitor watches and waits. Taylor Swift serves as a Mega Mentor.” NBC
3rd Choice: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine. “Chapter 2. A fan favourite of Discovery’s popular `Gold Rush’ series sets out on a new adventure to continue his pursuit of the prized yellow stuff. Dave Turin spent years working alongside Todd Hoffman, earning the nickname `Dozer Dave’ because of the many hours he spent bulldozing for gold. In his return, Dave is his own boss, and he’s on a mission to find an abandoned mine to resurrect in the hope that old-timers left gold behind. He explores the history of each mine, a search that culminates in Dave picking the one that he can turn into newfound riches.” Discovery
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: Arrow. “Reunited with his sister, Oliver and Thea find themselves searching through a familiar maze of catacombs. Meanwhile, John and Lyla partner on a special ops mission.” The CW
2nd Choice: This Is US. “Kate and Toby try to make time for their marriage. Jack attempts to prove himself to Rebecca’s dad. Randall struggles to find his place with the other councilmen.” NBC
3rd Choice: The Curse of Oak Island. “The Top 25 Moments You Never Saw. Some of the never-before-seen moments from the past six seasons are presented.” History
10pm Hour:

1st Choice: Treadstone. “Bentley searches for answers. Edwards meets an asset. Doug gets a visitor. Soyun gets a mission.” USA
2nd Choice: New Amsterdam. “When a group of women on a retreat end up in the ED, Max gets some troubling information that could put a patient in jeopardy. Meanwhile, Sharpe and Kapoor work together to mend fences between two feuding sisters.” NBC
3rd Choice: Emergence “Jo is determined to prove Kindred was behind the attack on Benny and April. Meanwhile, Piper experiences intense, confusing visions.” ABC