What To Watch Tonight? After last Tuesday’s election night coverage wiped out almost all of the good TV, your hot hot Tuesdays are back with all new The Flash, The Gifted, NCIS, Black Lightning, FBI, This Is Us, New Amsterdam and The Rookie. It’s all new all night!

8pm Hour:

1st Choice: The Flash. “Nora lets something slip about the future that devastates Iris. In an attempt to distract his wife, Barry asks Iris to team up to stop a new meta, Rag Doll. Meanwhile, Caitlin learns something about her father.” The CW
2nd Choice: The Gifted. “Reeva reveals her plans for a major mission for the Inner Circle to secure some needed funds. Meanwhile, the Mutant Underground must contend with Reed’s unstable powers, hoping that some medical help from Caitlin and Lauren will keep his destruction in check. Also, Jace is introduced to Benedict Ryan, a well-connected public figure who supports the efforts of the Purifers, but the two may not see eye-to-eye. Then, Thunderbird finally confronts Blink about her dealings with Urg.” Fox
3rd Choice: NCIS. “A mural by a street artist and activist is stolen, and the NCIS investigation leads to a conspiracy regarding a Navy contractor and the safety of ocean mammals. Also, Bishop shares a special connection with the street artist.” CBS
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: Black Lightning. “Jefferson and Anissa work together investigating the hometown of a creepy man at the clinic and make a shocking discovery. Meanwhile, with Syonide gone, Tobias puts an increasing amount of pressure on Khalil to help fill some of the void left in the organization.” The CW
2nd Choice: FBI. “Maggie and OA hunt down a ruthless group of robbers who are posing as NYPD officers to target armored trucks” CBS
3rd Choice: This Is Us. “Kevin and Zoe land in Vietnam. In the past, Jack and Rebecca take a road trip to Los Angeles. Jack’s war story continues to be revealed” NBC
10pm Hour:

1st Choice: New Amsterdam. “A big domino transplant procedure is on the line, and Max must decide if he can be present in the hospital while also dealing with his illness. Meanwhile, a bond with a patient makes Bloom consider her personal life and Iggy makes progress on a long-standing case.” NBC
2nd Choice: The Rookie. “The rookies are temporarily paired with new training officers, and Officer Nolan is paired with Officer Lopez. When Nolan and Lopez track down an escaped criminal, they discover a little kindness goes a long way. Meanwhile, Jackson is forced to face his fears when he is partnered with Officer Bradford, while Officer Chen and Nolan must face a hard truth.” ABC
3rd Choice: Home Alone “Sophia Putney-Wilcox is excited to start her senior year of high school after ending her abusive relationship with her boyfriend Adam. Unable to take the rejection, Adam breaks into her house with a bottle of gasoline and a lighter.” ID