What To Watch Tonight? Well, Thursdays are … not great. But, we still have brand new Queen of the South (Our Top Pick To Watch Tonight!), as well as Shooter and pre-season football!!

8pm Hour:
1st Choice: Pre-Season Football. “Philadelphia Eagles at Cleveland Browns. From FirstEnergy Stadium.” Fox
2nd Choice: The Gong Show. “Celebrity judges Rob Riggle, Ed Helms and Regina Hall praise, critique and gong unusually talented and unique performers.” ABC
3rd Choice: The First 48. “Stolen Innocence” A&E
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: Queen of the South. “Returning to Bolivia, Teresa risks her life to prove her loyalty to El Santo.” USA
2nd Choice: The Perfect Murder. “A car races up to the ER of a Westchester hospital. Carlos Perez-Olivo, the driver, has been shot in his side and his wife, Peggy, has been shot in the head. Investigators seek to learn what happened.” ID
3rd Choice: Pre-Season Football. Continues on Fox.
10pm Hour:

1st Choice: Shooter. “Bob Lee and Isaac ambush the Atlas training facility. Nadine and Harris scheme their way into a face-to-face with a critical player in Atlas’ plot to retain power. Julie’s paranoia grows.” USA
2nd Choice: Pre-Season Football. Continues on Fox.
3rd Choice: Someone You Thought You Knew. “Rob and Brenda Andrew are a devout couple, living in the Bible Belt of Oklahoma City. But their world is shattered when both of them are shot during a violent home invasion. The mastermind will prove to be closer than anyone ever imagined.” ID