What To Watch Tonight? Watchmen is our Top Pick To Watch Tonight! Also, Mr. Robot and The Walking Dead. Check out the full list of picks for the night below. What are you watching?

8pm Hour:

1st Choice: Batwoman. “Alice (Rachel Skarsten) takes Kate (Ruby Rose) down the sad, winding road of her life in the days after the accident as Jacob (Dougray Scott) and Sophie (Meagan Tandy) attempt to track them. Mary (Nicole Kang) has an argument with Catherine (Elizabeth Anweis) which sends her looking for Kate at Wayne Tower, but instead she becomes unwelcome company for Luke (Camrus Johnson).” The CW
2nd Choice: Power. “James “Ghost” St. Patrick seeks vengeance on his former drug partner and brother in arms.” Starz
3rd Choice: Viking Warrior Women. “New discoveries challenge everything we thought we knew about Viking warriors.” Net Geo
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: Watchmen. “Following a late-night visit from the senator who authored Masked Policing Legislation in Oklahoma, FBI agent Laurie Blake (Jean Smart) heads to Tulsa to take over the recent murder investigation. The Lord of The Manor receives a harshly worded letter and responds accordingly.” HBO
2nd Choice: The Walking Dead. “Supplies go missing from Hilltop; Negan is idolized by an Alexandrian, and Ezekiel holds a secret.” AMC
3rd Choice: Supergirl. “On the eve of the worldwide launch of Andrea Rojas’s (Julie Gonzalo) VR contact lenses, Kara (Melissa Benoist) and William (Staz Nair) team up on an investigation that exposes a terrorist plot. Kelly (Azie Tesfai) and Alex (Chyler Leigh) celebrate an anniversary, but Alex’s safety is in jeopardy.” The CW
10pm Hour:

1st Choice: Mr. Robot. “no xmas lolz for dom. darelliot gives a run-around. krista plays hookie. quiet pls, the show is on.” USA
2nd Choice: Talking Dead. “Chris Hardwick sits down with the fans, actors, producers and TV enthusiasts to recap the most recent episode.” AMC
3rd Choice: The Rookie. “An emergency alert of an impending missile attack sends Los Angeles into chaos and uncertainty, while the officers each try to keep the peace and deal with their own disasters.” ABC