What To Watch Tonight? Looking Glass origin story? Sign us up! Watchmen is our Top Pick To Watch Tonight! Also, all new Mr. Robot, Batwoman and The Walking Dead. Check out the full list of picks for the night below. What are you watching?

8pm Hour:

1st Choice: Batwoman. “Kate (Ruby Rose) and Sophie (Meagan Tandy) must reconcile with their past as Kate questions just how much she can trust her former lover. Kate and Luke (Camrus Johnson) have an encounter with an old friend. Mary (Nicole Kang) grapples with the fate of the Kane family as Catherine (Elizabeth Anweis) seeks Jacob’s (Dougray Scott) help. Alice (Rachel Skarsten) and a new cohort are in on yet another nefarious plan, but her motives are more than they seem. ” The CW
2nd Choice: Dublin Murders. “Rob continues to work on the cases despite his promise to Cassie.” Starz
3rd Choice: America in Color. “From Einstein-mania to Sicilian pizza, see how immigrants changed America’s identity, culture, and tastes.” Smith
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: Watchmen. “The origin story of Looking Glass (Tim Blake Nelson) is at last revealed, as is the truth behind the greatest hoax in American history. Far away, The Smartest Man In The World (Jeremy Irons) plots a daring escape.” HBO
2nd Choice: The Walking Dead. “Carol pushes boundaries that make Daryl uncomfortable. Alpha and Beta have reservations about someone.” AMC
3rd Choice: Supergirl. “Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) finally learns the truth about Lena (Katie McGrath) while tangling with Leviathan. J’onn J’onnz (David Harewood) makes a discovery about his brother’s whereabouts. ” The CW
10pm Hour:
1st Choice: Mr. Robot. “407 Proxy Authentication Required. I feud any data.” USA
2nd Choice: Talking Dead. “A discussion on Talking Dead’s season 10, episode seven.” AMC
3rd Choice: The Rookie. “Officer Nolan kicks off his birthday by babysitting a crime scene at a law office. Meanwhile, Officer Bradford and Officer West are set to receive special awards, and Sgt. Grey rides patrol with Officer Harper after she requests an early annual evaluation.” ABC