What To Watch Tonight? Supergirl returns from break and The Walking Dead is all new, making for a night of solid TV. Also on, new Counterpart, True Detective, Charmed, Crashing and Talking Dead. What are you watching?

8pm Hour:

1st Choice: Supergirl. “With his P.I. shingle newly hung outside his office, J’onn welcomes new clients. Trying to take her mind off what happened at the DEO, Kara decides to team up with J’onn on his latest assignment, which unfortunately ends up tying directly into Alex’s current investigation that involves the villain Menagerie. Meanwhile, Lena shares some news with James, but his reaction isn’t what she expected.” The CW
2nd Choice: Counterpart. “Mira’s looming threat forges some unlikely alliances.” Starz
3rd Choice: Deadly Cults. “Police in Kirtland, Ohio, received a tip about a family of five killed and buried in a barn belonging to a local cult. As they question the cult, investigators learn even more sinister details of power and manipulation leading up to the murders” Oxygen
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: The Walking Dead. “A captive or a refugee? A new arrival at the Hilltop opens up about the leader of a group of mask-wearing savages. A search party sets out on a daring mission to find two missing friends.” AMC
2nd Choice: True Detective. “Following up on new leads, Wayne and Roland track down a man who left the police force in the midst of the Purcell investigation. Meanwhile, Amelia visits Lucy Purcell’s best friend in hopes of gaining insights into the whereabouts of the mysterious one-eyed man.” HBO
3rd Choice: Charmed. “With Macy on a quest to find answers, she goes against Harry’s advice and summons up a Necromancer, which puts her and Maggie in harm’s way. Maggie attends a frat party at Lucy’s encouragement, to help her get over Parker. Meanwhile, Mel helps Harry who is struggling with his regained memories.” The CW
10pm Hour:

1st Choice: Talking Dead. “Eleanor Matsuura, Nadia Hilker and Gale Anne Hurd discuss the Season 9 episode of The Walking Dead, “Omega.” Hosted by Chris Hardwick.” AMC
2nd Choice: Crashing. “During a tour stop, Pete pays a visit to his parents and introduces them to Kat, who notices the uncomfortably close relationship he has with his overbearing mom. As he tries to keep the peace, Pete grows increasingly trapped between the two most important women in his life.” HBO
3rd Choice: The Secret History of the White House. “Analyzing the possible existence of secrets lying below the White House and how they could affect democracy as people know it.” History