What To Watch Tonight? Not a lot of options tonight but the ones that are available, are high quality, including Jett, our Top Pick To Watch Tonight. Check out all of our picks below. What are you watching?

8pm Hour:

1st Choice: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. “To face The Galaxy-Hopping Hate-Beast That Eats Planets, the team on Earth asks for help in all the wrong places. While back on the Lazy Comet, something weird is going on with Izel’s crew, and it’s not just the puffies.” ABC
2nd Choice: Battlebots “The stakes get higher when teams on the brink start to feel the heat, and as the clash continues, undefeated bots Son of Whyachi and the Ewerts look to continue their reign of terror.” Discovery
3rd Choice: Live PD: Rewind. “A special that includes some of the best moments from the show.” A&E
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: Ancient Aliens. “Looking into the secrets of the Mayans and how they are connected to extraterrestrial beings.” History
2nd Choice: Battlebots. Continued on Discovery.
3rd Choice: Live PD. REPEAT “A live look at police across the country as they work the night shift in real-time.” A&E
10pm Hour:

1st Choice: Jett. “Jett (Carla Gugino) tracks down Frank Sweeney (Stuart Hughes), a brutal gangster she and Blair (Shiloh Fernandez) worked for ten years earlier.” Cinemax
2nd Choice: MotherFatherSon. “Kathryn dedicates herself to Caden’s recovery as Max looks to the future.” Starz
3rd Choice: Live PD. Continues on A&E.