Gotham, Arrow, Channing Tatum, and a saucy sounding Lifetime Movie make up the best of TV tonight. But first, some words from Benson (RIP Robert Guillaume) …
8pm Hour:
1st Choice: Gotham. “Gordon and Bullock are hot on a serial killer who has been assassinating cops and dressing his victims in the severed heads of pigs as his signature mark.” I mean, do I need to even entice you with a B plot?!? Fox
2nd Choice: Supernatural. Missouri (guest star, Loretta Devine) returns tonight and “enlists the help of Dean and Jody to protect her granddaughter, Patience (guest star, Clark Backo), who has no idea she shares her grandmother’s [psychic] traits” and could be the next target of a murderous wraith. The CW
3rd Choice: Thursday Night Football. Miami Dolphins v Baltimore Ravens. Because, Sportsball!! CBS
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: Arrow. Tonight’s episode features DC Comics’ Onyx (guest star Chastity Dotson), who is the leader of a “rogue Black Ops team” that “breaks into Kord industries and steals something lethal.” In the B Plot, Oliver is struggling with making a connection to William who still totes blames Oliver for his mom’s death. The CW
2nd Choice: The Orville. After an oddly placed repeat last week, Seth MacFarlane & Co are back with a new episode tonight. The Orville discovers a new planet that is very similar to 21st Century Earth (read: budget constraints prevented imaginative settings). Fox
3rd Choice: Still Watching Football on CBS.
10pm Hour:
1st Choice: Running Wild With Bear Grylls. Tonight, Channing Tatum runs wild with bear Grylls. I am sure the ladies will appreciate this episode. Nat Geo
2nd Choice: Infidelity in Suburbia. I don’t know that I ahve ever watched the entirety of made for Lifetime movie, but the ending phrase of this description is too much to pass up, “A bored housewife has an affair with her family’s private contractor and tries to end the fling after feeling guilty, but her obsessive lover has another plan that involves the construction of a secret room in the basement.” That’s some next level crazy! Lifetime Movie Network
3rd Choice: Still football. CBS