We love Monday nights these days at Pop Culture Review! We have DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, The Terror, The Crossing (they had me at Flash Forward in tonight’s episode description) and Good Girls. Also on, Scorpion but that pales in comparison to the other offerings at 10p.

8pm Hour

1st Choice: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. “The Legends plan to vanquish Mallus by using the totems doesn’t go as planned, forcing Rip to improvise. The team finds itself regrouping in the Wild West, where they run into their old pal Jonah Hex. Sara leaves Ray in charge of watching Damien Darhk, while she comes up with a new plan. Meanwhile, Amaya is determined to find a way to use the totems to destroy Mallus.” The CW
2nd Choice: The Voice. “The knockouts continue. Former “Voice” champions serve as advisers, including Cassadee Pope (Team Kelly), Jordan Smith (Team Adam), Chris Blue (Team Alicia), and Chloe Kohanski (Team Blake).” NBC
3rd Choice: American Idol. “As the pool has been narrowed to the top 24 contestants, 12 of the top 24 finalists perform duets with celebrity partners at Academy LA in Hollywood during this week in the competition.” ABC
9pm Hour
1st Choice: The Terror. “A cunning attack on the ships proves the men are not battling an ordinary bear and that the region’s Inuit culture may hold a key to their survival.” AMC
2nd Choice: The Voice. Continues on NBC.
3rd Choice: American Idol. Continues on ABC.
10pm Hour

1st Choice: The Crossing. “In a flash-forward to the year 2187, Reece finds Leah, an orphaned Common baby, and goes against her Apex cohorts to take her in as her own. In present day, Jude – hoping for a peaceful solution with the Feds – is blindsided by a mysterious black-ops team’s intent on capturing Reece by any means necessary.” ABC

2nd Choice: Good Girls. “Business is booming and the women are living large, but a threat from one of their employees reminds them how violent Rio can be when pushed and threatens everything they’ve been working toward. Meanwhile, Beth and Ruby both enjoy the shifting dynamics in their respective marriages. Boomer carries out a malicious plot against Annie that puts her fight for custody in jeopardy.” NBC
3rd Choice: Scorpion. “Paige’s maternal side goes into high gear when Team Scorpion must save an unconscious, hypothermic boy stuck in the wheel well of their airborne airplane. Also, Walter’s white lie to Paige starts to take a toll on him, and Paige realizes something’s up.” CBS