When MacGyver isn’t on, I don’t know really what to do with myseld on Fridays. If I end up not going to the movies, I’ll be watching Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. LIVE and then the X Games. But maybe I’ll also be watching Hunger Games? Decisions!!!

8pm Hour:

1st Choice: Hell’s Kitchen. And we are down to 4 cheftestants!! “When the families come to visit, the four remaining all-stars are feeling extra-motivated to succeed. For the challenge, the chefs must choose a gift, each of which contains a secret ingredient on which they must base their dish. They will then anonymously serve their dishes to each family, and whoever gets the most votes, wins a day in Malibu with Chef Ramsay and his-her family. Then, Gabrielle Dennis (“The Game”) and Anna Konkle (“New Girl”) join dinner service.” Fox
2nd Choice: Hunger Games. The 2012 movie that launched the franchise and put Jennifer Lawrence on the map is on and you should always watch this when its on. Because its awesome. TNT
3rd Choice: Child Support. Week 4 of this new game show where adults feel inferior to children that are much smarter than they are. ABC
9pm Hour:

1st Choice: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. “Mack, Yo-Yo and Flint fight to keep everyone alive by starting a revolution against the Kree” ABC.
2nd Choice: Taken. “A laid-off worker kidnaps a high-powered accountant in revenge for his lost pension, and the team gets swept up in a case of class warfare when Bryan decides to help the kidnapper get justice.” NBC
3rd Choice: Hunger Games. Continues on TNT.
10pm Hour:

1st Choice: Hunger Games. Continues on TNT.
2nd Choice:X Games Aspen 2018. Begins at 10:30. Day 2 action features, “Day 2 (snowboarding, snowmobiling): Snowboarding (men’s Big Air) and snowmobiling (Freestyle) highlight Day 2 of the action-sports festival in Colorado.” ESPN
3rd Choice: Impractical Jokers. Kill an hour with the Jokers on TruTV. Even the repeats are funnier than first run episodes of most sitcoms. TruTV