What To Watch Tonight? Killing Eve is our Top Pick To Watch Tonight as Season 2 comes to an end. Also on, two more season finales with Good Girls and A Discovery of Witches bowing for their respective season. Last, a Game of Thrones retrospective on the making of the series. What are you watching?
Jodie Comer as Villanelle, Sandra Oh as Eve Polastri Photo Credit: Gareth Gatrell/BBCAmerica
The Magicians
“The Tales of the Seven Keys”
January 10, 2018
(Photo by: Eike Schroter/Syfy)
The Magicians returned tonight to start us on a new epic quest which will take a good season to play out. We were re-acquainted with all of our favorite Magicians and over the course of this single hour, heard more memorable lines than you’re likely to hear on any other show over the course of a whole season. The writing and delivery on The Magicians is so spot on, its equal parts, nerdy, fantastical, whimsical, badass-ical, sassy and sincere. Its like being lulled by a train smoothly rolling on its tracks with a rhythmic clackety clack that just sweeps you along for the ride. Anyway, more thoughts on this amazing episode and the season outlook at the end of the post. Grab some bacon, sit back and enjoy.
Warning: This is going to be a long post, so drink lots of water (you must be diligent about hydration) and buckle up. Before we meet the Great Cock of the Darkling Woods and embark on an Epic Quest with our friends, let’s talk about what happened before … Continue reading “TV Recaps: The Magicians – I’m Grace Park”
Its all horrible. There is really really really nothing going on tonight. The best I’ve got is some really good reruns of Game of Thrones and that only takes you to 9:30 (the good episodes start at 7). Stay warm and go to bed early, friends.