What To Watch – Monday, April 16, 2018

Supergirl returns to your TV tonight while Scorpion takes its season final bow.  In between we’re watching The Terror, The Crossing and Good Girls!! Mondays, more choices than you know what to do with …

THE CROSSING – “Pax Americana” – A wounded Reece faces off with her pursuers miles away, while Jude’s plan to spend quality time with his son leads to a terrifying ordeal. Back at the camp, Hannah escapes to get her first look at the outside world as Dr. Sophie Forbin arrives to assess the larger threat presented by Leah’s unusual virus. Meanwhile, Emma discovers unsettling information which makes her question who she’s really working for, on “The Crossing,” airing MONDAY, APRIL 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Jack Rowand)

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TV Recap: Black Lightning – Shall We Begin?

Black Lightning
“The Resurrection and
the Light: The Book of Pain”
April 10, 2018

This episode turned things on its head.  Going into next week’s season finale, things are not great for Team Pierce and the bad guys are definitely ascendant.  In a classic God giveth and God taketh away, just as Lynn and Jefferson were getting their shit together, before the hour is out, its all fallen to pieces.  We are greeted to the return of a Milli Vanilli-looking cosplayer and Tobias and Syonide make a case for their own deranged Rom Com spin-off (which, to be clear … I would totally watch).

Less talk, more action so check out our Recap & Review of Black Lightning‘s “The Resurrection and the Light: The Book of Pain” … after the jump (beware of spoilers)!

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What To Watch – Friday, April 13, 2018

Its Friday the 13th so you know crazy things will happen today.  Hopefully, by the time you sit down for TV tonight, things will have simmered a bit.  Here are our Top Choices for the evening: MacGyver and Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. A pick for the whole weekend? Binge the first season of Netflix’s reboot series, Lost in Space!

(ABC/Mitch Haaseth)

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What To Watch – Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thursday night has some really solid offerings to watch led by new Arrow, and all of the 8p shows:  Siren, Supernatural, and Gotham. The end of the night isn’t great but you can watch something you taped earlier …

SIREN – “On The Road” – When the military facility goes on high alert, Chris manages to escape, but heÕs not the only one who gets out. This episode of “On The Road” airs Thursday, April 12 (8:00 – 9:01 p.m. EDT) on Freeform. (Freeform/Jeff Weddell)

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TV Recap: Black Lightning – Can We All Just Get Along?

Black Lightning
“Black Jesus: The Book of Crucifixion”
April 3, 2018

Tonight was a rare Black Lightning episode where we end in a good place but we take a couple of shitty turns to get there.  We have a nice moment of redemption, “a good guy finally wins one” moment, and my dislike for Fowdy grows to ginormous size.

Without further delay, our (long overdue) recap and review of Black Lightning‘s episode, “Black Jesus: The Book of Crucifixion” … after the jump (beware of spoilers)!

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What To Watch – Wednesday, April 11, 2018

This is a sad day for us here at PCR because its out first Wednesday without The Magicians but, we must soldier on.  Tonight kind of treads water until 10p when we’re excited for new Krypton and The Americans (which we’ll watch later on). At 9p, the season premiere of The Expanse. Before all of that? Harry Potter: A History of Magic – I have no other description but that’s totally enough for me.

KRYPTON — “The World of Rao Episode 104 — Pictured: (l-r) Ann Ogbomo as Alura, Georgina Campbell as Lyta-Zod — (Photo by: Steffan Hill/Syfy) Continue reading “What To Watch – Wednesday, April 11, 2018”

What To Watch – Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Hey, Hey Tuesday, what’s shaking?  At 8pm tonight, you should tape both of the shows we recommend below and watch them later. Why? So you can listen to Pop Culture Mike on TV Talk, hosted by somanyshows.com at: https://somanyshows.com/sms-on-air

We have new Shadowhunters and the return of The Flash at 8pm; Black Lightning, Rise and an “We’re Honoring Elton John” special at 9pm; and Legion at 10pm – Our Top Pick To Watch Tonight!


Photo: Michele Crowe/CBS 

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TV Recap: Killing Eve – Love It Or Leave It?

Killing Eve
Love It Or Leave It? Review
(Episode 101, “Nice Face”)
April 8, 2018

Killing Eve debuted last night on BBC America and just knocked my socks off.  It is funny and sexy and dangerous and most importantly, its a thinking person’s show with involved plot and character design. I want all of those things on my TV all of the time.  Love it or leave it? I loved Killing Eve

Led by a strong cast, but in particular, its three female leads, Eve promises to be a weekly spy adventure in the grand tradition of the good guy chasing the bad guy, EXCEPT its a good woman chasing a bad woman, and maybe the bad woman is not so black and white bad? A 2018 Twist on the spy genre to be sure but also, just as welcomed.  Television can only be benefited by having complex women on the screen that don’t wallow in traditional tropes.  Killing Eve smashes the traditional idea of the type-cast female in a thriller spy show and puts them front and center.   

Sandra Oh (Grey’s Anatomy) as the titular Eve and Jodie Comer (star of several UK shows but in America was a lead in the Starz series, The White Princess) as the assassin, Villanelle, crackle when they’re on screen and its hard to take your eyes off of them. Add in the fantastic Fiona Shaw (Americans will know her from her time on True Blood or more obviously as Aunt Petunia from the Harry Potter film series) as the legendary MI-6 operative who will seemingly play an important role in Eve’s life, and you’ve got tremendous women that are hard to ignore.  

Killing Eve is brought to TV by Phoebe Waller-Bridge (who acts as lead writer, showrunner and is an executive producer) and is based on a series of novels by Luke Jennings which focuses on the assassin, Villanelle, as well as the MI-5 agent that tracks her. I haven’t read them yet but I will because the only thing I like more than a great spy show is a great spy novel! Sold! Also important to note, Killing Eve was renewed for a Season 2 before this pilot episode even aired. BBC America believes in Eve.

There is a hole on Sunday nights at 8pm and my “Hot Take” is that you need to fill it with Killing Eve.  If you’re looking for a recap of the first episode, take a gander, after the jump (Beware of Spoilers!)

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What To Watch – Monday, April 9, 2018

We love Monday nights these days at Pop Culture Review! We have DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, The Terror, The Crossing (they had me at Flash Forward in tonight’s episode description) and Good Girls.  Also on, Scorpion but that pales in comparison to the other offerings at 10p.

GOOD GIRLS — “Special Sauce” Episode 107 — Pictured: (l-r) Izzy Stannard as Sadie Marks, Mae Whitman as Annie Marks — (Photo by: Steve Dietl/NBC)

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TV Recaps: The Magicians – Ranking the Episodes of Season 3

With The Magicians having aired its season finale this week, now is the time to start looking forward to Season 4 and wondering what is going to happen. But! Before we say goodbye to Season 3, I thought it would be fun to look back on this tremendous season and rank the 13 episodes from best to still great but not best (there is NO worse in this season’s catalog).

Read my thoughts and let me know if you agree or if I messed up big time in the comments.  In every episode title, there is a link to our complete recap & review of that episode!

THE MAGICIANS — “A Life in the Day” Episode 305 — Pictured: Jason Ralph as Quentin Coldwater — (Photo by: Eric Milner/Syfy)

PopCultureReview’s Rank of Best Season 3 The Magicians Episodes begins … after the jump!

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