What To Watch – Thursday, November 23, 2017

Guys, it’s Thanksgiving so by the time prime time rolls around, I expect you all to be over stuffed from food and drink and half asleep on the couch of your choosing. But, if you’re still awake, here is our abbreviated What To Watch Tonight!! For our money, you can’t beat AMC’s Godfather Parts I and II marathon from 5:30p to 2a but here are some other top choices on this Holiday night!

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What To Watch – Wednesday, November 22, 2017

‘Twas the night before Thanksgiving and we still have a new Mr. Robot so all is good this Wednesday night. But, we also have a Charlie Brown hour, a music festival and a behind the scenes look at the impact of Holiday movies.  Plenty to watch as you’re prepping your bird for tomorrow.

Before we get to the holiday merriment, we at Pop Culture Review want to say goodbye to David Cassidy, one of the classic pop idols of American culture.  The boy every girl wanted to date in the 1970s, passed away yesterday at the age of 67 from organ failure.  The breakout star of the 1970s groovy hit series, The Partridge Family, Cassidy rose to fame playing Keith Partridge and he, along with his TV family had several chart topping music hits.  The biggest single, I Think I Love You, had Cassidy on lead vocals and sold more than 5 million copies. His daughter, Katie Cassidy, is a PCR favorite as Laurel Lance/Black Canary/Black Siren on Arrow and the Arrow-verse shows.  RIP Mr. Cassidy.

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What To Watch – Tuesday, November 21, 2017

CBS goes all in with the Thanksgiving episodes tonight which earns brownie points from us and gets them nods for shows to watch. BUT, its still Tuesday and so we’re still watching The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow before anything else. But most important, we’re only 1 week away from the mega 4 show Arrow-verse cross over event, Crisis on Earth-X!

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What To Watch – Friday, November 17, 2017

Let’s assume you’re not going to see Justice League tonight. On that assumption, Pop Culture Review has the best choices for what you should watch tonight!! MacGyver is our number one Friday night treat, but we’re  also going to be spending sometime tonight and this weekend binge watching The Punisher, Netflix’s newest Marvel show entry which released today.    Other choices tonight include Gordon Ramsey torturing chef-testants and some great movies with Harry Potter and The Princess Bride on tap.

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Movie News: Fantastic Beasts Sequel Name Revealed

This morning, Warner Bros. announced the name of the previously untitled sequel to the 2016 hit film, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which starred Eddie Redmayne as Newt Scamander, author of said book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Warner Bros.

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What To Watch – Thursday, November 16, 2017

Arrow is busy examining Slade’s wayward son tonight, Professor Pyg remains uber creepy on Gotham and we get an Alara centric episode on Orville. Typical Thursday night fare!! Also, Goodfellas is on AMC if you want to relive the mafia classic!

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Mythbusters Returns! New … but Improved?

Photo courtesy of Science Channel.

After a year and a half absence, the classic Discovery Channel show, Mythbusters, is set to return to the airwaves on November 15, 2017. Moving from the Discovery Channel flagship to the its nerdier cousin, Science (often abbreviated to simply, SCI), Mythbusters is looking to recapture the glory of its predecessor show while at the same time, raising the ante as it takes viewers on a wild ride of debunking age old myths. Featuring all new hosts, all new myths, an all new set, and even an all new Buster, this rebooted experiment show is NOT your father’s Mythbusters. IT’S BETTER!!

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What To Watch – Wednesday, November 15, 2017

“Angela, do you have something to tell me?” was how we left the one take episode of Mr. Robot last week.  From the pictures released for tonight’s episode, it looks like we pick up right there.  But tonight is also super exciting because Mythbusters returns to your TV. Check out our review of these 2 new Mythbusters and tune in tonight to see what trouble Jon and Brian can get up  to.

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What To Watch – Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The CW Arrow-Verse dominates our Tuesdays and tonight, we’re particularly excited for the Council of Wells on The Flash, so many Harrison Wells in 1 room.  Its dizzying.  At 9pm, we’re checking out DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and at 10pm, we’re sticking around Damnation … for now, but also interested in Discovery’s new show, Bushcraft Build-Off – I always enjoy watching handy people build things I could never do.

Photo: Katie Yu/The CW

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REVIEW — Assassin’s Creed: Origins

Q&A Corner
Video Game Review:
Assassin’s Creed: Origins
By: Skippy Midnight

Assassin’s Creed: Origins was released on October 27, 2017 and the hype just doesn’t stop. Since the initial leak in January of 2016, I have been waiting and on the edge of my seat for the announcement and release of the newest edition to the franchise. After Ubisoft took a year off due to their most recent entries lacking depth and story, they have given birth to a new era of how to play AC; the RPG style brings a breath of fresh air to their games.

Assassin’s Creed Origins may never replace Ezio and Assassin’s Creed II, but here are some things you should know and reasons Origins is perhaps one of the best games releasing this Fall.

Pass or Play? Highly Recommend Play. The open world RPG environment together with a completely revamped combat system and character leveling, makes this 10th major installment in the Assassin’s Creed family, a must play  for any fan of the series and a great entry title for new players alike.  Assassin’s Creed Origins is available on PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, PC, and Xbox One X.

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