Q&A Corner
Video Game Review:
Assassin’s Creed: Origins
By: Skippy Midnight

Assassin’s Creed: Origins was released on October 27, 2017 and the hype just doesn’t stop. Since the initial leak in January of 2016, I have been waiting and on the edge of my seat for the announcement and release of the newest edition to the franchise. After Ubisoft took a year off due to their most recent entries lacking depth and story, they have given birth to a new era of how to play AC; the RPG style brings a breath of fresh air to their games.
Assassin’s Creed Origins may never replace Ezio and Assassin’s Creed II, but here are some things you should know and reasons Origins is perhaps one of the best games releasing this Fall.
Pass or Play? Highly Recommend Play. The open world RPG environment together with a completely revamped combat system and character leveling, makes this 10th major installment in the Assassin’s Creed family, a must play for any fan of the series and a great entry title for new players alike. Assassin’s Creed Origins is available on PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, PC, and Xbox One X.
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